Workshop | becoming neighbours
Visual: Luis Kürschner
Drawing upon the practice of agriculture as a way of thinking about neighbourhoods as the earth we sow and pour into, the Gropius Bau’s Neighbour in Residence hn. lyonga invites participants to a collaborative session of seed sowing, planting and harvesting together – as a way of activating, of positioning, of being.
This workshop will use different modes of production found in agriculture as a way to think about the manifold ways in which people, initiatives, institutions and non-human beings can be neighbours in cities and elsewhere. It addresses and extends the idea of the neighbourhood to include non-human actors who are oftentimes invisibilised but vital parts of our social life.
This workshop is part of the programme becoming neighbours conceived by Neighbour in Residence hn. lyonga.
With The FieldNarratives Collective and the BauhütteKreuzberg e.V.