Guided Tour

Guided Tour with Curator Lisa Le Feuvre

Nancy Holt: Circles of Light

Nancy Holt filming Sun Tunnels with her Bolex 16 mm film camera, 1976 © Holt/Smithson Foundation, photo: Lee Deffebach

In this tour, curator Lisa Le Feuvre gives insights into the artistic practice of Nancy Holt. As the inaugural Executive Director of Holt/Smithson Foundation, Le Feuvre will talk about the foundation’s undertaking and the background of the exhibited works, highlighting the relevance of Holt’s practice for the present time.

Over the course of five decades, Nancy Holt explored how we perceive our environment and how we attempt to understand our place on the surface of this planet. Holt, reframing what art can be and where it can be found. Her artistic practice, writings and ideas built the ground from which many strands of contemporary art have grown. Le Feuvre will delve deeper into Circles of Light, the artist’s most comprehensive survey exhibition in Germany to date, including film, video, photography, sound works, concrete poetry, sculptures and expansive installations as well as drawings and documentation from over 25 years.

Lisa Le Feuvre is a curator, writer and editor. She is inaugural Executive Director of the Holt/Smithson Foundation, the artist-endowed foundation dedicated to the creative legacies of Nancy Holt and Robert Smithson. Between 2010 and 2017, Le Feuvre was Head of Sculpture Studies at the Henry Moore Institute, directing the research component and leading educational programmes, research, collections, publications and exhibitions focused on sculptural thinking. She has curated more than sixty exhibitions as an institutional and independent curator, played a pivotal role in shaping academic and art organisations, edited over thirty books and journals, spoke at museums and universities across the world and published over a hundred essays and artist interviews.

The guided tour is included in the exhibition ticket. Please register at the ticket desk in the Gropius Bau foyer.