The Haus der Berliner Festspiele and the Gropius Bau are listed buildings due to their historical significance and architecture. In order to provide all visitors with access that is as barrier-free as possible, we work continuously to further develop our facilities.
Numerous festivals take place at other venues in addition to the Haus der Berliner Festspiele. You will find the information regarding the accessibility of all venues on the respective festival page.
All information regarding accessibility for your visit to the Gropius Bau can be found on the the accessibility page of the Gropius Bau.
If you have any questions concerning your visit, our ticket office is happy to assist you.
Phone +49 30 254 89 100
Daily 11:00 – 17:00
Or send an e-mail to inklusion@berlinerfestspiele.de.
In order to provide the most inclusive access to our programme as possible, multiple events and exhibitions are supplemented by audio formats, subtitles and guided tours. Please inform yourself of the opportunities on the respective event page. You can filter by events with subtitles in our programme list. You can find the guided tours currently offered at the Gropius Bau in the Gropius Bau programme calendar.
Attendants for people with severe disabilities receive free admission both to the Gropius Bau as well as all festivals and events of the Berliner Festspiele. We can offer you the corresponding tickets at the box office or by telephone.
In addition, visiting exhibitions at the Gropius Bau is free of charge for people with severe disabilities (degree of disability of at least 50) upon presentation of the corresponding certification.
When visiting events and exhibitions at the Haus der Berliner Festspiele and the Gropius Bau, you will be assisted not only by our staff but also by colleagues from the event service team of Busch & Dähn. They are available at all times and will provide active assistance as far as this is compatible with their functions. In the Gropius Bau you can also contact the Gropius Bau Friends, who are on site several days a week and form an interface between the public and the building.