demo station: DJ Set by Phuong-Dan

Portrait of Phuong Dan.

photo: Fabian Hammerl

As part of the opening week of Rirkrit Tiravanija’s exhibition DAS GLÜCK IST NICHT IMMER LUSTIG, Phuong-Dan performs on Tiravanija’s demo station in the Gropius Bau’s atrium.

Phuong-Dan’s DJ sets are a mixed bag of hypnotising rhythms and influences. He consistently explores moods by jumping back and forth between musical fields with some sort of defiant approach.

At the Gropius Bau, Phuong-Dan performs on a demo station by Rirkrit Tiravanija. The stage-like sculpture invites people to “demonstrate” something. Tiravanija plays with the different meanings of the term “demonstration” as both a political protest and a presentation of someone’s talent or hobby. For the duration of the exhibition, the demo station provides a space for daily public performances.


Phuong-Dan combines gigs all over the world with project specific works and musical programming. Since 2006, he has been hosting the GattoMusculoso club nights at Golden Pudel Club in Hamburg. Since 2021 he runs dispari – a label and platform for all kinds of auditory publications, collaborations and performances – at various places such as Kunsthalle Münster, Kunstverein München or Meakusma Festival.


As part of Berlin Art Week


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