Reading, Performance, Food, Film and Music | Long Evening

Long Evening at the Gropius Bau


Rirkrit Tiravanija, untitled 2024 (demo station no. 8), untitled 2024 (tomorrow is the question), installation view, Rirkrit Tiravanija: DAS GLÜCK IST NICHT IMMER LUSTIG, Gropius Bau, 2024 © Gropius Bau, photo: Guannan Li

As part of the public programme accompanying the exhibition DAS GLÜCK IST NICHT IMMER LUSTIG by Rirkrit Tiravanija, the Gropius Bau invites you to a monthly series of Long Evenings. Film screenings, readings, food activations as well as performances and DJ sets on the stage-like sculpture demo station by Tiravanija will enliven the building in its various facets and activate the artistic work. The Long Evenings will take place on 10 October, 7 November, 5 December 2024 and 9 January 2025, each evening from 18:00 until 21:00.

The first Long Evening begins with a book presentation of Ein ganz normaler Tag with publisher Josephine Apraku, author Eric Otieno Sumba and illustrator Sharonda Quainoo in the bookshop Walther König. Artist Luiza Prado De O. Martins invites you to a cooking show at the Beba restaurant. The cinema will be open all evening to show the film Karl’s Perfect Day by Rirkrit Tiravanija. On the demo station, DJ and producer Ayzon will play a set. The evening ends with a performance by musician Petra Hermanova with drummer Jon Eirik Boska in the atrium. 

During the event, photographs and video recordings may be made in which you may be recognisable. By attending, you consent to these recordings being used to communicate the event or exhibition.