
In Between Frequencies

A special feature of the Gropius Bau is its location. It is an important point of reference for the programme and educational projects. The opening up of the institution for its various neighbours is the main aim. This education work is fundamentally collaborative and based on current and future collaborations with intercultural, intergenerational and queer neighbourhood initiatives.

Current Projects

Resonance Room

The Resonance Room collects local knowledge and experiences about mental health in Berlin. Since September 2021, a number of projects have been questioning the understanding of and approach to mental health in the city: How do individual health and society interact? How does history affect the present time? What forms of care, solidarity and community are designed and practised in urban society? The resonance of civic actors from the neighbourhood, Berlin academics and multipliers from social and cultural work forms an interdisciplinary urban research, which invites participatory learning processes. As a place of meeting, the Resonance Room gathers different voices and engages them in dialogue.


Cooperation Partner Yeşil Çember

The Gropius Bau is located on the border to Kreuzberg – the centre of turkish life in Berlin. Since 2019 Yeşil Çember accompanies the Gropius Bau on its path to creating access for Turkish-speaking communities in Berlin. The association Yeşil Çember (Turkish for “Green Circle“) was founded in 2006 by its current head, Gülcan Nitsch. The aim is to raise awareness amongst, and engage Turkish-speaking people in Germany with regard to cultural and ecological diversity.