From left to right: Aylin Scheer, Luis Sefcsik, Anton Krude, Nergis Kismir, Bilge Börekci, Elke Biesendorfer, Anneliese Schmidt, Kaya Haslinger. photo: Jonathan Joosten 2022

Young Gropius Bau

Junger Gropius Bau

We are the Young Gropius Bau (in German: JuGroBa for “Junger Gropius Bau”). Our aim is to build bridges between young people and the exhibition hall. How can we give young people more access to the Gropius Bau? We are looking for answers. Come and join us!

The Gropius Bau is an important exhibition hall in Europe. You can visit up to ten exhibitions a year and gain very different experiences. The Gropius Bau wants to be an open place with lots of space for different artistic ideas and ways of working. The exhibitions deal with exciting topics of our society. The Young Gropius Bau brings the special perspective of young people to the Gropius Bau. Our team of students and trainees invites young people to visit the Gropius Bau and regularly offers guided tours and workshops.

Past Workshops

JuGroBa x Indigo Waves and Other Stories: Re-Navigating the Afrasian Sea and Notions of Diaspora – Experimental Book Making

In this workshop, visual artist and photographer Adama Delphine Fawundu together with the Young Gropius Bau explored experimental forms of bookmaking. Participants worked with the artist to create individual books that relate to their lived experiences and familiar environments.

For Mama Adama Hymns and Parables, Details, 2022

Courtesy: the artist

JuGroBa x Indigo Waves and Other Stories: Re-Navigating the Afrasian Sea and Notions of Diaspora – Instant Composing-Workshop

Filmmaker Köken Ergun and his collaborators, animation artist Fetra Danu and composer Nadya Hatta, gave a participatory composing workshop for young people. The participants worked together with the three artists to write lyrics in German related to their geographies. They composed and sang a collective song with catchy melodies.

Köken Ergun and Fetra Danu, China, Beijing, I Love You! (2023), film still

Köken Ergun and Fetra Danu, China, Beijing, I Love You! (2023), film still

courtesy: the artists

JuGroBa x Daniel Boyd: RAINBOW SERPENT (VERSION) – Screen Printing Workshop

In the exhibition RAINBOW SERPENT (VERSION) artist Daniel Boyd explores his ancestry from various Australian First Nations on a political and personal level. Every human being and every culture carries a part in itself that is opaque. Thoughts on this could be expressen in a screen-printing workshop.

Daniel Boyd, RAINBOW SERPENT (VERSION), Installation view, Gropius Bau (2023)

Daniel Boyd, RAINBOW SERPENT (VERSION), Installation view, Gropius Bau (2023)

photo: Luca Girardini

JuGroBa x Louise Bourgeois: Textile Memories and Stories

What kind of memories and narratives do clothes bear? How can clothes tell stories? Based on these questions, the young Gropius Bau (JuGroBa) embarked on a practical and creative encounter with the exhibition Louise Bourgeois: The Woven Child in a workshop.

JuGroBa x Louise Bourgeois: Textile Memories and Stories

photo: Laura Fiorio

JuGroBa x Dayanita Singh: Dancing with my Camera

This workshop was held in the context of the exhibition Dayanita Singh: Dancing with my Camera to explore Dayanita Singh’s approach to photography and exhibiting. Music and dance surround many young people every day, whether whilst partying or unwinding after school. But what happens when you start dancing with a camera?

Photo: Marcus Fabian

Photo: Marcus Fabian

JuGroBa x Hella Jongerius: Slow Fashion

In conjunction with the exhibition Hella Jongerius: Woven Cosmos, this workshop focused on the world of sustainable fashion. How can we reconcile environmental responsibility with the individual exploration of fashion? Insights into the workshop and the specially created fashion pieces were captured photographically.

Hella Jongerius, Woven Cosmos – Installation View, Woven Systems (2021)

Hella Jongerius, Woven Cosmos – Installation View, Woven Systems (2021)

© Gropius Bau / Hella Jongerius, VG Bild-Kunst 2021, photo: Laura Fiorio