
Anthony Braxton’s Sonic Genome

Excerpt of the composition No. 359, Anthony Braxton

Excerpt of the composition No. 359, Anthony Braxton

For the opening of Jazzfest Berlin 2019, Anthony Braxton will be joined by 60 musicians from Australia, Germany, UK and US – and for six hours, they will transform Gropius Bau into a cosmos of musical experience.

Anthony Braxton’s Sonic Genome

German premiere

Composer, reedist, and educator Anthony Braxton is a towering figure of creative music, a man who has combined his voracious curiosity for all disciplines in sound with a deep investment in community. A founding member of Chicago’s Association for the Advancement of Creative Musicians, he has spent his career realizing wildly ambitious projects, which rely on the cooperation and input of his vast coterie of colleagues and disciples, but few endeavours are more ambitious than his “Sonic Genome”, a rigorously immersive durational performance. In its third-ever iteration here in Berlin, the transatlantic cooperation will feature 14 musicians from Braxton’s closest circle, 39 musicians from Berlin’s diverse scene (including members of the Echtzeitmusik scene, AndromedaMega Express Orchestra, TricksterOrchestra and KIMCollective) and six members of the Australian Art Orchestra that will be prepared in a three-day workshop. A dozen small groups, directed by members of Braxton’s circle, freely navigate a passel of his compositions (up to 450) and improvisational language known as “Ghost Trance Music”, shifting between works and reacting to or ignoring the output of nearby groupings, over a six-hour period. Members of subgroups fracture and reform like recombinant organisms, congregate as small cells or as a big ensemble, moving around the huge space of the Gropius Bau, perpetually forming new communities, while listeners make their own choices, traversing the space to hear new or blended configurations.

Anthony Braxton’s Sonic Genome German premiere

Anthony Braxton, James Fei & Chris Jonasconductors
Kyoko Kitamuravocals
Anne Rhodesvocals
Georgina Darvidisvocals
Cymin Samawatievocals
Defne Sahinvocals
Cansu Tanrikuluvocals
Dora Osterlohvocals

Jean Cookviolin
Lizzy Welshviolin
Fabiana Strifflerviolin
Erica Dickerviolin, baritone violin
Gregoire Simonviolin
Jessica Pavoneviola
Anil Eraslancello
Isabelle Klemtcello
Judith Hamanncello
Chris Dahlgrendouble bass, viola da gamba
Jacques Emerydouble bass
Antonio Borghinidouble bass
Ralf Schwarzdouble bass

Aviva Endeanclarinet, flute
Sabine Vogelflutes
Vincent Bababoutilaboflutes
Susanne Fröhlichbass recorder flute
Tilmann Dehnhardflutes
Mona Matbou Riahiclarinet
Anat Cohaviclarinet
Michael Thiekeclarinet
Milian Vogelbass clarinet
Davide Lorenzonclarinet, sax
Viktor Wolfclarinet, sax
Ingrid Laubrocksaxes
Andrew Raffo Dewarsaxes
Paul Berberichsax
Daniel Glatzelsax
André Vidabaritone sax
Sara Schoenbeckbassoon
Katie Youngbassoon

Peter Knighttrumpet
Brad Henkeltrumpet
Johannes Böhmertrumpet
Magnus Schriefltrumpet
Till Künklertrombone
Matthias Müllertrombone
James Macauleytrombone
Hilary Jefferytrombone
Robin Haywardtuba
Dan Pecktuba

Naoko Kikuchikoto
Bassem Alkhourikanun
Mahan Miraraboud, guitar
Kalle Zeiere-guitar
Julia Wackerharp
Adam Matlockaccordion
Alexander Hawkinspiano, melodica
Niko Meinholdpiano
Maria Schneidervibraphone, percussions



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