Workshop | Concert

Jazzfest Community Lab Moabit III

B-Laden, Café Carla im Jazz Institut Berlin, Café der Kulturfabrik Moabit, Musikschule Berlin-Mitte Fanny Hensel, STEPHANS – Der Nachbarschaftsladen

On Wednesday, the local shops B-Laden and STEPHANS will welcome musicians from Jazzfest Berlin to musically enhance their existing programmes. In the evening, a big band will hold a public rehearsal at the Musikschule Berlin-Mitte Fanny Hensel, young improvisational musicians from the European cooperation project Melting Pot will meet for a jam session at the Jazzfest Specials in Café Clara at the Jazz Institut Berlin, while the Vilhelm Bromander Unfolding Orchestra from Sweden, also appearing in the main Jazzfest Berlin programme, will give a concert in the Kulturfabrik Moabit café.

More information about the Jazzfest Community Lab Moabit


Jazzfest ImproLabs

Some Jazzfest ImproLabs workshops are closed events. Registration is required for the public workshops.

10:00 – 16:00
Musikschule Berlin-Mitte Fanny Hensel 
Volkalhelden e. V. Workshop “Singen & Improvisieren” for children aged 8 to 12
Public Workshop in German and English
Register at:

Direction: Judith Kamphues, Annika Schwerdt, Sarah Rossy

10:00 – 14:00
Musikschule Berlin-Mitte Fanny Hensel
Workshop “Recording und Producing – wir erfinden Musik und nehmen sie im Tonstudio auf!” for teenagers aged 11 to 14
Public workshop in German and English
Register at:, Tel: +49 173 270 1532

Direction: Chiquita Magic, Florian Körber

10:00 – 16:00
Workshop “Körperkunst – Kunst des Körpers: Ein Theaterpädagogisches Kunstprojekt voller Bewegung” for children aged 6 to 10
Public workshop in German
Register at:, Tel: +49 30 398 37 30

Direction: Franczesca Gutsch, Tabea Lübke

10:00 – 16:00
Jazz Institut  Berlin
Workshop about Martin Luther King Jr. with children of the after-school care centre Mullewapp e. V. of the Miriam-Makeba-Grundschule
Closed workshop in German, no registration possible

Direction: Vincent Bababoutilabo, Rahel Hutter
In collaboration with the Jazzpilot*innen der Deutschen Jazzunion & Zentrum für Jazz und Improvisierte Musik

10:00 – 16:00
Workshop with children of the Kurt-Tucholsky-Grundschule
Closed workshop in German, no registration possible

Direction: Cenk Arpa, Yvonne Leppin

10:00 – 16:00
SOS-Kinderdorf Berlin
Workshop “How to celebrate?!” with teenagers
Closed workshop in German, no registration possible

Direction: Niklas Brubach, Jakob Fraisse

10:00 – 14:00
SOS-Kinderdorf Berlin
Workshop with children of the project “Haste Töne!”
Closed workshop in German and English, no registration possible

Direction: Joel Grip, Simon Sieger

10:00 – 16:00 
Workshop with children of the after-school care centre of SOS Kinderdorf Berlin
Closed workshop in German, no registration possible

Direction: Nelly Thea Köster, Camilo Milton

Jazzfest Encounters

B-Laden, Lehrter Str. 30
Aktivitäten für Alt & Jung

Elin Forkelid – tenor saxophone
Dennis Egberth – drums, percussion 

STEPHANS – Der Nachbarschaftsladen, Stendaler Str. 9
Rosarotes Lesecafé

Christer Bothén – bass clarinet
Michael Griener – drums, percussion

Musikschule Berlin-Mitte Fanny Hensel, Turmstraße 75, Konzertsaal / Room 425 
Public rehearsal: Big Band der Musikschule Berlin-Mitte Fanny Hensel

Martin Küchen – alto and sopranino saxophone

20:00 | Event note of the Refo Moabit
Refo Moabit, Beusselstr. 35
Performance “Blue Tongue I” by In_an_Instant
Matilde Bassetti – dance
Milena Stein – dance
Dominique Tegho – dance
Marcos Nacar – dance
Rike Flämig – dance
feat. Anton Gerzina – piano

Jazzfest Specials

Jazz Institut Berlin, Einsteinufer 43 – 53

Carla Jam

Melting Pot
Julia Stein – viola 
Guro Kvåle – trombone
Fulco Ottervanger – piano, synthesizers, fx
Max Plattner – drums 
Sofia Eftychidou – double bass
A cooperation between Berliner Festspiele / Jazzfest Berlin, Jazztopad Festival (Wrocław), Handelsbeurs (Gent), Nasjonal Jazzscene Victoria (Oslo) & Internationales Jazzfestival Saalfelden.

Café der Kulturfabrik Moabit, Lehrter Str. 35

Vilhelm Bromander – double bass
Anton Jonsson – drums, percussion
Elin Forkelid  – tenor saxophone
