
QuerKlang und QuerKlang+

Artistic experimentation at school

with music, theatre, fine arts and dance

Pupils perform theatre, wearing masks, standing in a circle. In the background is a screen with their uncovered faces.

Performance as part of QuerKlang and QuerKlang+, 2024 © Berliner Festspiele, photo: Camille Blake

QuerKlang creates world premieres of collective compositions by pupils at Berlin schools. For the second edition of the pilot project QuerKlang+, in addition to the artistic disciplines of music, theatre and visual arts, the field of dance will now be added to the 21 years of expertise within the programme and the UNESCO model project “QuerKlang – Experimental Composing at Schools”.

The second edition of QuerKlang+ once again starts with a one-week block (in October 2024), in which all the participants – pupils, teachers, artists and student teachers in various disciplines – get to know each other in artistic workshops and form teams. After this, there are weekly meetings that are timetabled as part of the taught curriculum in the participating Berlin schools. A total of ten learning groups from a variety of schools and different age groups are included in the project. QuerKlang+ offers pupils the opportunity to let their creativity flourish and discover their own artistic abilities. By working together in interdisciplinary teams, they learn to contribute their individual strengths, engage in collective processes and create something new together. Performances of the resulting collective works will be presented as part of MaerzMusik 2025.

With students and lecturers from the teacher training programme at Berlin University of the Arts from the faculties

  • Institut for Art Didactics and Aesthetic Education
  • Theatre Education
  • Music Education
  • Inter-University Centre for Dance Berlin (HZT)
  • Composition

The students and their teachers come from the following schools

  • Rosa-Parks-Grundschule – Kreuzberg
  • Nelson-Mandela-Schule – Wilmersdorf
  • John-F-Kennedy-Schule Berlin – Zehlendorf
  • SchuleEins Gemeinschaftsschule – Pankow
  • Biesalski Schule – Förderzentrum körperliche und motorische Entwicklung – Dahlem
  • Anni Heuser Waldorfschule – Charlottenburg
  • Anna Freud Schule – OSZ für Sozialwesen – Schöneberg
  • Campus Hannah Höch Gemeinschaftsschule – Reinickendorf
  • Heinz-Brandt-Schule – Pankow
  • Parzival-Schule – Förderschwerpunkt Geistige Entwicklung – Zehlendorf

Participating artists

Laris Bäuckercomposer, performer
Béltran Gonzálezcomposer, conductor
Gunilla Jähnichenvisual artist
Kaj Duncan Davidinterdisciplinary artist, composer
Omer Eilamcomposer
Julius Windischmusician, performer, composer
Elena Lotti Astolfivisual artist, performer
Lilly Pöhlmanndancer, choreographer 
Mira Ebertdirector musical theatre
Ute Wassermannvocal performer, composer

QuerKlang+ is a pilot project in the artistic teacher training programme at the Berlin University of the Arts in collaboration with QuerKlang. Funded by the Senate Department for Science, Health and Care.

QuerKlang is a project of QuerKlang gUG in collaboration with kultkom - Kerstin Wiehe, Berlin University of the Arts / klangzeitort and Berliner Festspiele / MaerzMusik. Funded by the Berlin Senate Department for Education, Youth and Family.