On the morning of 6 November 2024 Donald Trump was re-elected as President of the United States and that same evening Berlin’s “traffic-light coalition” collapsed. Against the background of the feared demise of liberal democracy, tax expert Julia Jirmann (Netzwerk Steuergerechtigkeit – The Network for Fair Taxation), social scientist Cihan Sinanoğlu (head of the office of the National Discrimination and Racism Monitor, NaDiRa, at the German Centre for Integration and Migration Research) and political scientist Wolfgang Schroeder (University of Kassel / Social Science Research Centre Berlin) will talk about strategies to counteract a populist revolution in the West.
The discussion will focus on several key questions of democratic theory: what challenges are caused by liberal democracies’ declining powers of integration? How do conflicts over distribution influence this development? And what options exist to counteract the growing polarisation of political debate?
Julia Jirmann, Wolfgang Schroeder, Cihan Sinanoğlu
Yasmine M’Barek – Die ZEIT