“Reflexes and Reflections” are a programme series organised by Berliner Festspiele. In times of increasing polarisation of social debates, it aims to create open and controversial spaces for discussion. “Reflexes & Reflections” brings together artistic and discursive positions to negotiate social problems and contentious issues.
In June 2024, the first edition invited people to exchange views on 7 October, the war in Gaza and debates about it in Germany. At the same time, the German premiere of the play “House” by Amos Gitai took place in collaboration with La Colline – théâtre national, Paris.
The second edition in March 2025 is dedicated to the future of the debate culture. With populist and authoritarian voices gaining influence even in liberal democracies, it seems urgent today to discuss difficulties and challenges of public debate.
Both issues of “Reflexes & Reflections” have been curated by the political scientist Saba-Nur Cheema and the historian Meron Mendel. Through their joint column in the FAZ “Jüdisch-muslimisches Abendbrot” and their journalistic work, Cheema and Mendel are known to a wide audience as mediators. They create spaces in which empathy and mutual listening form the basis for controversial discussions.