Video Installation


Filmstills from the work

Hito Steyerl, Giorgi Gago Gagoshidze and Miloš Trakilović, MISSION ACCOMPLISHED: BELANCIEGE, 2019 Photo: Dávid Biró; for Hito Steyerl © VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2025

Thu, 6.3., 18:00 – 00:00
Fri, 7.3., 11:00 – 00:00
Sat, 8.3., 10:00 – 23:00

Free admission

The video work “MISSION ACCOMPLISHED: BELANCIEGE” by Hito Steyerl, Giorgi Gago Gagoshidze and Miloš Trakilović, created in 2019, is now more topical than ever: referencing the fashion labels Balenciaga and Vetements, the artists investigate how data analysis practices within the fashion industry are used in targeted advertising on social media. How much this manipulation of the media endangers our democracy has been demonstrated, among other things, by the re-election of Donald Trump on 5 November 2024. What future do democratic systems have when the public sphere can be bought and sold and is flooded with false statements based on identity politics?

The Berliner Festspiele invite you to the vernissage on Thursday, 6.3. at 18:00. An introduction to the video installation will be given by Kolja Reichert, chief curator at K21 of the Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen and president of the art critics' association AICA Deutschland.

Three-channel HD video, colour, sound, environment, 47:23 min, 2019

Giorgi Gago Gagoshidze, Hito Steyerl, Miloš Trakilović – Script and Coproduction
Mikk Madisson – Sound Direction and Music
Jaan Marabu – Window Foil Design
Manuel ReinartzInstallation (design, construction)

Special thanks to Iván Brito and Robert Nikolajev
Courtesy the artists, Andrew Kreps Gallery, New York and Esther Schipper, Berlin/Paris/Seoul