
Hella Jongerius: Woven Cosmos

Hella Jongerius, Woven Windows and Frog Table, Installation view, Gropius Bau, 2021 © Gropius Bau / Hella Jongerius, VG-Bildkunst 2021, Foto: Laura Fiorio

At the heart of Hella Jongerius’s artistic practice is the connection between industry and craft as well as traditional knowledge and technology. In spring 2021, the Gropius Bau will present a solo exhibition devoted to the artist and designer that will continue to develop over the course of time.

Curated by Stephanie Rosenthal with Clara Meister in cooperation with Studio Hella Jongerius

Funded by E.ONStiftung, BotschaftNiederlande, CreativeIndustries Fonds NL
Partners: Wall, Artek, Vitra, Bouvet
Media partners: BerlinArt Link, Elephant, Fräulein, Monopol, NuméroBerlin