
Play Area Installation by Kerstin Brätsch

4 September 2024 to 12 January 2025

Kerstin Brätsch, Fossil Psychic for Christa (Stucco Marmo) (detail), 2019 Photo: Daniele Molajoli

Initially conceived as a pilot project by Kerstin Brätsch, a freely accessible play space will open in September 2024 in the west wing of the ground floor, then grow over the next several years and expand into the outdoor area. Inspired by The Model (1968), an adventure playground installed by the artist Palle Nielsen at the Moderna Museet in Stockholm, it will become a permanent installation for children, a place where more things are allowed than forbidden. Here, accompanied by playworkers (educators specialising in free play), children can spend time in their own way – laughing, crying, envisioning, building, disassembling, rollicking, resting and discovering.

As part of BerlinArt Week