

Enno Poppe / Percussion Orchestra Cologne

Two people sit behind drums and look at their sheet music.

Percussion Orchestra Cologne – Enno Poppe “Streik” (2024) © Astrid Karger

Enno Poppe’s new composition “Streik” for ten drum sets poses the question: What happens when a solo instrument is multiplied many times? In this experimental configuration, the arrangement sonically surrounds the audience, as though they were seated within a single, immense drum set, amplifying the immersive potential of sound.

“The drum kit is a typical solo instrument. It drives the band, pushes them forward, sets the beat, is the engine room. It has to be stable so that the others start to sweat. There is no such thing as an ensemble of drum kits.

My piece for drum kit ensemble starts with the following questions:

Communication: How can the relationship between leading and being led work at all in a group of alpha instruments, especially when the music gets so loud and fast that the players can barely hear each other?
Space: How can these loud and extremely fast movements be distributed in the room so that the listeners have the feeling that they are sitting in the middle of a single huge drum kit operated by a single person with twenty hands?

Instruments: The structure of a drum kit is standardized, but the sizes of the instruments vary considerably. It depends on the preferences and personalities of the players. When ten kick drums are involved, the pitches therefore play a decisive role. What does a melody for snare drums sound like?

Form: The piece must be long so that the possibilities of this experimental set-up can unfold. It’s not hard to imagine that such a piece can be wild and fun. But inventing a form that lasts at least an hour from the playing gestures and physical energy will be the hardest part. Traditionally music for drum kits is actually improvised, but that’s not possible with ten drum kits. It needs a composer.”
– Enno Poppe


Enno Poppe
Streik (2024)
for ten drumsets

Commissioned by SWR, MaerzMusik / Berliner Festspiele, November Music, NOW! Festival für Neue Musik, hcmf// Huddersfield Contemporary Music Festival and Wien Modern, supported by Kunststiftung NRW


Percussion Orchestra Cologne
Brian Archinal
drum kit
Romane Bouffiouxdrum kit
Núria Carbódrum kit
Ramón Gardelladrum kit
Moritz Kochdrum kit
Thomas Meixnerdrum kit
Boris Müllerdrum kit
Dirk Rothbrustdrum kit
Achim Seylerdrum kit
Michael Weilacherdrum kit