

eine circensische karnevaleske mit planwagen/ entgegen aller linearitäten

A theatre play by Thomas Köck

RambaZamba Theater & Tomás Saraceno

World premiere

The ensemble of the piece pulls a covered wagon towards the viewer. Shiny metallic spheres reflecting the surroundings float in the background.

aerocircus © Phillip Zwanzig

“aerocircus – eine circensische karnevaleske mit planwagen entgegen aller linearitäten” brings the debate surrounding the climate crisis to an inclusive theater production: Against the backdrop of a spatial concept designed by Tomás Saraceno, the RambaZamba Theater players gradually grow to accept a ruined planetary habitat.

Audiodeskription & Tastführung

In Zusammenarbeit mit Autor*innen des Berliner Spielplan Audiodeskription von Förderband e.V. – Kulturinitiative Berlin wird im Rahmen der letzten Vorstellung am 10. Dezember eine Audiodeskription sowie eine Tastführung für blinde und sehbehinderte Menschen angeboten.

Weitere Informationen & Anmeldung

knowledge alone is nice but / one also needs to believe in that knowledge
Thomas Köck)

A planet with a dead ecological system in a world in which all theatres have been abandoned: Only a flying circus remains to preserve the bold dreams of long-gone humans in its carnivalesque archive. This “aerocircus” conjures up the image of beings without fixed boundaries or limits, which need to be constantly investigated and explored anew. In a double-floored circus ring, a tomorrow that is no longer populated by humans is envisioned with the goal of being able to somehow influence the lost future. As time goes by, the circus artists – acrobats and tightrope walkers, clowns and mimes – begin to view our overheated planet as an artistic challenge and gradually grow to accept the ruined planetary habitat. As portrayed by the actors from the RambaZamba Theater, the circus artists perform their acrobatic feats inside a series of installations created by the internationally renowned visual artist Tomás Saraceno. His spatial designs lend evidence and visibility in a striking manner to the web of life that binds both the human and non-human inhabitants of our planet.

As portrayed by the actors of RambaZamba Theater, the circus artists perform their acrobatic feats inside a series of installations created by visual artist Tomás Saraceno. His spatial designs lend evidence and visibility to the web of life that binds both the human and non-human inhabitants of our planet. Austrian author Thomas Köck has been addressing ecological issues in his work for many years now. “aerocircus” marks the second collaboration between Thomas Köck, Jacob Höhne, who is the Artistic Director of the RambaZamba Theater and the director of “aerocircus”, and the theatre concept creator (dramaturg) Frank Raddatz. The three previously worked together on “the world flames like a discokugel (styx spricht)” (The World Flames Like a Disco Ball [Styx Speaks]). The RambaZamba players are also joined here by the well-known stage actress Ilse Ritter, three students from the Puppetry programme at the Ernst Busch Academy of Dramatic Arts (Hannah Elischer, Moritz Ilmer, and Leah Wewoda), and acrobat Marie Juana Jimenez.

Artistic team

Thomas Köck – Text
Jacob Höhne
 – Director
Tomás Saraceno
 – Spacial Design
Janina Brinkmann
 – Costume Design and Make-up
Frank Raddatz – Dramaturgy
Leo Solter
 – Compositions and Music
Sara Lu
 – Choreography
Henning Streck
 – Lighting Design
Michael GeißelbrechtVicki Steinmüller – Assistant Director
Joy von Wienskowski – Assistant Dramaturg
Lena Beck – Assistant Costume and Make-up
Dorothee Kutz – Assistant Make-up
Lili Anschütz– Assistant Lighting
Sebastian Rohrbach– Acting Internship
Reena Dennhardt– Directing Internship
Louis Grau, Anne Verfürth
– Costume Internship
Dalina Schambach
– Dramaturgy Internship

Marco Casiglieri, Jan LangebartelsAlbrecht Leu, Robert Philipp – Technical Direction
Mikhail Barabanov, Kevin Sanchez 
– Sound
Andrei Albu
– Lighting
Anton Seidlitz, Martin Wolter
–  Event Technology
Jan Czeschner, Guido Gallwitz, Andreas Maringer
–  Stage Technology
Patrick Reddy, Lasse Skafte
– Studio Tomás Saraceno
Johannes Brennsteiner, Marieke Chinow, Johanna Geerkens, Johanna Prestel, Eva Radt, Ruth Weissenburger
Puppet Making Animals HfBK Dresden
Ingo Mewes, Kattrin Michel, Magdalena Roth, Karin Tiefensee, United Puppets – Puppet Making HFS Ernst Busch Berlin
Bert Neumann – Covered Wagon, on loan from the Bert Neumann Association, non-profit UG (BNA) ©️ 2012


Kaan Aydemir, Christian Behrend, Lioba Breitsprecher, Ferdinand Dambeck,  Selma Enoka Ayemba, Heiko Fechner,Michael Fromme, Eva Fuchs, Juliana Götze, Sven Hakenes, Hans-Harald Janke, Marie Juana Jimenez, Shirly Klengel, Vincent Köhler, Tobias Kreßmann, Sara Lu, Anil Merickan, Matthias Mosbach, Dirk Nadler, Joachim Neumann, Sascha Perthel, Hieu Pham,Dario ProdoehlIlse Ritter, Zora Schemm, Rebecca Sickmüller, Jonas Sippel, Leo Solter, Sebastian Urbanski, Nele Winkler, Michael Wittsack

Angela Winkler –  Storyteller
Hannah Elischer, Moritz Ilmer, Leah Wewoda – Puppetry
Ida Cramer, Anna Ehrenreich, Romy Seibt  –  Artistry
Heiko Fechner, Michael Fromme, Vincent Köhler, Leo Solter
 –  Live Music

Panel discussion

the earth and us

Saturday, 9.12.2023, 18:00
Bornemann Bar, free admission

With Jacob Höhne, Reinhard Hüttl, Thomas Köck, Stefan Pfahl
Moderation: Frank Raddatz

Supported by the Heinrich Böll Foundation

With the kind support of Berliner Festspiele and the Senate Department for Culture and Social Cohesion. In collaboration with the department for Contemporary Puppetry of the HfS Ernst Busch Berlin and the department of Theatre Design of the HfBK Dresden. We would like to thank the non-profit Bert Neumann Association for the generous loan of the Planwagen (Bert Neumann 2012 for "Kill your Darlings"