Dance / Video


unDOKed e. V. (Berlin)

A young woman is lying with her legs bent on the back of another woman who is squatting on the ground with her head down and her arms and legs bent, offering her back as a kind of stool. A wall sprayed with graffiti is visible in the background.

ALLTAGSMANIFEST © Emilia Quiñones and Hannah Kreuzinger

In the video work “ALLTAGSMANIFEST” Hannah Kreuzinger and Emilia Quiñones reflect on their everyday life as female persons in a big city and search for a possibility of collective bodily experience.

Production in the media library

available until 29 September 2024
Tothe video on demand

Starting from the pose of squatting, the two dancers in “ALLTAGSMANIFEST” let their own texts, thoughts and movements flow together in an associative and fragmentary video collage. They understand the squatting position as a gesture of vulnerability, resistance, closeness to nature or the appropriation of space. In this way, a search for traces of silent agreement, for toleration of everyday and invisible violence, for the lack of representation and possible alternatives become visible and tangible. How perceptible are FLINTA* (female, lesbian, inter, non-binary, trans and agender people) in public space and where are the limits of the staging and presence of femininity? Who is allowed to do what? And above all, how and where?

By and with

Hannah Kreuzinger, Emilia Quiñones, Rita Stelling

Hannah Kreuzinger, Emilia Quiñones – Concept, text, camera
Hannah Kreuzinger, Emilia Quiñones, Rita StellingCostumes
Emil Kafitz, Hannah KreuzingerEditing
Carl GerritMusic