Selection 2023

The selection for the 40th Treffen junge Musikszene has been made!

The selection for the Treffen junge Musikszene was preceded by a nationwide contest. Now the jury has made its selection from the entries: 13 acts, 4 bands and 9 soloists, from five federal states have been invited to the 40th Treffen junge Musikszene.

Congratulations to the prize winners!

The Prizewinners

The musical spectrum ranges from modern singer-songwriter contributions to instrumental melodic techno tracks. You can hear pop, rock, indie, punk, retro sounds from the 1980s and spoken word. Sometimes melancholic, sometimes angry, then again danceable with rich sounds or crisp beats, the young musicians process their themes. They set their loneliness, their own struggle for existence or the struggle to save our planet to music. There are unusual love songs, musical descriptions of novel characters, but also anger, strong political positions, queerness, paranoia and fear.

Many of the award winners produced their tracks themselves and show a skilful and surprising use of stylistic means or an ironic and humorous use of quotations from music history, with which they create their own and fresh sounds.

We would like to thank all the young musicians who submitted so many exciting applications this year. The quality was particularly high this year. We would like to encourage all applicants to continue working on their music and to apply again in the future. We look forward to hearing from you again!


Selected with “3 mal”
Fabio Raab – bass
Johannes Roll – guitar
Karl Groß – drums
Quentin Sawall – vocals
Timo Klein – guitar
20⁠ – ⁠21 years, Herrenberg (Baden-Wuerttemberg)

No Rest For Spirits
Selected with “PARANOIA”
Arthur Komerloh – electric guitar
Christian Golub – drums
Sofia Ekkert – vocals
Nicole Komerloh – electric piano
Nikolai Sojnikow – electric bass
17 ⁠– ⁠23 years, Neustadt an der Weinstraße (Rhineland-Palatinate)

Selected with “Save the World”
Finja Taberski – vocals, keyboard
Jonte Milkereit – drums
Lenia Lange – vocals
Luca Sinnhuber – bass
Nilson Heitmann – guitars
11 – 15 years, Stuhr (Lower Saxony)

The Red Flags
Selected with “Hysterical Woman”
Lilith Franke – electric bass
Lina Lesch – drums
Mia Pallada – background vocals, lead guitar
Paula Ott – rhythm guitar
17 – 18 years, Cologne (North Rhine-Westphali)



Can-Bastian Paul
Vocals, piano, ukulele
Selected with “Schmetterlinge”
18 years, Gundelfingen (Baden-Wuerttemberg)

Emily LadyStar (Emily Kisch)
Vocals, piano
Selected with “It Will Show”
15 years, Stuttgart (Baden-Wuerttemberg)

Emma Lin (Line Richter)
Vocals, piano, ukulele
Selected with “out of here”
15 years, Berlin

Estrela (Estrela Horn)
Vocals, guitar, piano
Selected with “Get On”
19 years, Berlin

llenoh (Leonie Fuhrmann)
Guitar, piano
Selected with “fest halten”
19 years, Berlin

Kaipi (Konstantin Pawlowski)
Vocals, piano, rap
Selected with “Deine Schuhe”
21 years, Karlsruhe (Baden-Wuerttemberg)

echtleni (Leni Schwarzenberg)
Vocals, rap
Selected with “LENI”
12 years, Hessisch Oldendorf (Lower Saxony)

Philippo Michele (Phillip Lücke)
Vocals, keyboard, percussion, drums
Selected with “Ich bin hier”
18 years, Walsrode (Lower Saxony)

Sonnenkind (Willy Menzel)
Electronic instrumental music
Selected with “Abandoned”
21 years, Berlin