Selection 2022

Congratulations to the young authors 2022!
21 prize winners were invited to the Treffen junger Autor*innen 2022.

The jury selected the winners of the Treffen junger Autor*innen 2022 from a total of 354 entries by young writers from all over Germany: 21 authors from nine German states were invited to the Treffen junger Autor*innen in Berlin from 17 to 21 November 2022. We would like to thank all the artists who participated in the national competition with their poems, stories and texts. We are impressed by the wealth of ideas and the diverse text forms that reached us. The jury had the difficult task of making a selection.

The selected prize winners are:

Emily Sara Adams
18 years
Bietigheim-Bissingen (Baden-Wuerttemberg)
selected with the text
“In Grund und Boden”

Anastasia Averkova
18 years
Dresden (Saxony)
selected with the texts
“ich reflektiere; in scherben”
“[Wolf im Schafspelz] ”
“frikative (lat. fricare): reibelaute”
“mein freund ist kurz zigaretten holen”

Noah Baron
16 years
Syke (Lower Saxony)
selected with the texts

Clara Maj Dahlke
19 years
selected with the text

Laura Gerloff
20 years
selected with the text

Aline Hafermaas
22 years
selected with the text

Sorour Keramatboroujeni
21 years
selected with the text
“Das Hamsterlaufrad”

Jonah Lobner
19 years
Petershagen (North Rhine-Westphalia)
selected with the texts
“Queer Peripheres”

Amalie Mbianda Njiki
19 years
Hilzingen/Riedheim (Baden-Wuerttemberg)
selected with the texts
“Die Schuhe”

Tonda Montasser
10 years
selected with the texts
Terrassenmassakerkinder (Gedichtzyklus):
“Der alte See meines Ichs, verdammt”
“Die Terrassenkinder ohne Terrassen”
“Terassenmassakerkinder versus Zelebrators”
“Beim Styx”

Alica Müller
21 years
Gießen (Hesse)
selected with the texts
“ich schaufle dem förderalismus ein grab, platziere 17 Steine dort”
“brutkasten memories”
“return to sender”
“maschinen, die man nicht ausschalten darf”

Leon Oranian
22 years
selected with the texts
“Der Besuch / Sonett”
“Die Nacht und der Panther”

Alice Lovis Planz
21 years
Leipzig (Saxony)
selected with the texts
“olga wars”
“Berührungsfreie Stimulation”

Laurenz Quarz
22 years
selected with the text

Lena Riemer
20 years
Langenfeld (North Rhine-Westphalia)
selected with the text

Anne Tamm
16 years
Rostock (Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania)
selected with the text
“Deine Absenz”

Alma Unseld
16 years
Karlsruhe (Baden-Wuerttemberg)
selected with the texts
“dem Berg”
“den bienen”
“The rain”
“einem gewitter”

Blanca Victoria Vespermann
16 years
selected with the texts
“Draußen stürmt es”
“My garden, my choice”
“Wat ordentliches”

Vy Vincent
19 years
selected with the texts

Tarian Vogtmann
19 years
Hilchenbach (North Rhine-Westphalia)
selected with the texts
“wie ich paris beim träumen erfunden habe”
“Ins Innere”
“á la carte”

Amely Wernitz
19 years
Michendorf (Brandenburg)
selected with the texts
“Einen Tag noch”
“Die Scheidung”

In addition, 18 other applicants received a book cheque as a promotional prize for their interesting and promising texts.

Congratulations to:

Lara Adam, 18 years, Frankfurt a. M. (Hesse)

Marie Bahr, 17 years, Neustadt (Schleswig-Holstein)

Allegra Bosch, 17 years, Ludwigshafen am Rhein (Rhineland-Palatinate)

Hanna Marie Christel, 14 years, Geislingen an der Steige (Baden-Wuerttemberg)

Luzie Dunz, 13 years, Böblingen (Baden-Wuerttemberg)

Nora Elteste, 16 years, Frankfurt a. M. (Hesse)

Evan Goetz, 13 years, Berlin

Mirja-Valentina Heblich, 13 years, Bad Kreuznach (Rhineland-Palatinate)

Lieselotte Heim, 16 years, Munich (Bavaria)

Paula Kaiser, 16 years, Rostock (Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania)

Anna Kunst, 18 years, Berlin

Tamaya Jasmin Martinez Bürger, 15 years, Magdeburg (Saxony-Anhalt)

Tobias Ottmers, 11 years, Völklingen (Saarland)

Hannah Rinner, 11 years, Wenzenbach (Bavaria)

Agatha Rohlenko, 12 years, Pfungstadt (Hesse)

Victoria Santos, 9 years, Weimar (Thuringia)

Laetitia Sauer, 18 years, Wadern (Saarland)

Annemieke Warner, 11 years, Marxen (Lower Saxony)