Lucio Capece

Lucio Capece is an Argentinian musician based in Europe since 2002, specifically in Berlin since 2004. He offers sound-space works focused in the Perception experience that he performs mainly in solo and in the context of occasional collaborations.

His compositions may include improvisation and different ways of writing, which is based in the ear-body behaviour and sound phenomena analysis. He uses tools like Flying Speakers hanging from Helium Balloons, Speakers as Pendulums or floating, analogue synthesizer, Sine Waves and Noise Generators, Drum Machines, ultraviolet Lights, Sensors, Sruti Box, Bass Clarinet, Soprano and Slide Saxophones. He has also written compositions for Ensembles. Capece has presented his works in particularly emblematic spaces as well as recognized festivals.

As of March 2018

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