Immersive Concert

Salon of Touch

Wojtek Blecharz / Aviva Endean / Jeppe Ernst / Kuba Krzewiński / Michał Pepol / Mia Bodet / Sophie Notte

A person holds a stone in the hand and strokes her naked back with it. The cut-out shows the shoulder and lower head area.

Salon of Touch © Aliénor Dauchez

Aliénor Dauchez, Bastian Zimmermann and Kuba Krzewiński invite the audience for an immersive sound and touch treatment in a group of around 80 people at a time: A fingertip glides slowly over the notches of the almost smooth programme sheet. A drop of sweat runs hastily down from the over-ear and moistens the neck. A final accelerando and rallentando of a fingernail on the scalp causes a vibration of a few hertz. The vibration sets the intention in motion. Everything is ready. Let’s get started. “Salon of Touch” is a collective experience between performers and the audience with musical works that move along the threshold of touch and sound.

Please note: It is recommended to come with comfortable clothes. Two works take place with the participation of the audience and involve tactile gestures on one’s own head and hands. Participation is not obligatory, the event can also be attended as a concert.

Reflections on Music and Touch

Discussion with Kuba Krzewiński, Aliénor Dauchez, Bastian Zimmermann and Salomé Voegelin

Wednesday, 26.3., Haus der Berliner Festspiele, Bornemann Bar

Aviva Endean: A Face Like Yours

“A Face Like Yours” invites the audience to take part in a sonic exploration of their own face; the experience “amplified” by inserting foam earplugs into their ears. Following the visual instructions from the performer on screen, the audience are led through a series of actions to create a soundscape that only they can hear. The piece leads the player through a series of thuds, flickers, hums, squishes, tingles, powerful bass tones and miniature sounds, as they explore the varied textures and sonic landscapes of their own head. “A Face Like Yours” uses the medium of silent film to create a visual score, requiring the active participation and imagination of its viewers to sound the work. – Aviva Endean

Kuba Krzewiński: Contre No. 1

contre (Fr.) – against, versus
Piece about points and lines, points of contact and counterpoints, positions and oppositions. – Kuba Krzewiński

Wojtek Blecharz: blacksnowfalls

The piece is dedicated to Brian Archinal.

Everything has been written
You have no more words
Nothing is going to change and you know that
And you have so much to offer, but it won’t be taken
You feel like a fragile, fluctuating center.
So fucking hopeless, your favorite word,
Hopeless, helpless, forceless
Perfect sunny day, high skies, deep blue
“California state of mind”, hummingbirds,
Palm trees, the laziness of a quiet, hot afternoon
Everything looks so sharp in that sun, no shadow
The smell of eucalyptus, birds are chirping
You, in your room, by the table, the fan is working
Light breeze, teapot, work, routine, another hour.
And at a certain moment... it comes, it returns, you feel it again
You know you can’t do much; you just have to hold on and wait.
That moment returns and takes you.
Perfect sunny day, palm trees, humming birds, you at your table.
You look at the window and you see black snow falling from
the deep blue sky. – Wojtek Blecharz

Jeppe Ernst: Offertorium: Behandling B

“Offertorium: Behandling B” is music for physical touch and is to be performed by two male performers. The piece is composed for the torso and the two male performers should therefore be naked from the waist up. The two performers are sitting on two chairs facing each other. When the hands are not in motion they should be resting on the thighs with clenced fists. The piece is the second in a cycle consisting of four pieces with the overall title “Offertorium”. Since the musicians won’t have the score in front of them during the performance, the piece is to be memorized. – Jeppe Ernst

Kuba Krzewiński: Listen with your skin

Let your ears rest. Refocus your hearing to a palm, a fingertip, the back of your hand. Listen directly. From up close. Hear a surface, feel a texture, sense vibrations through your bones. Touch. – Kuba Krzewiński


Aviva Endean
A Face like yours
sound work for video, foam earplugs and viewer (2015)

Kuba Krzewiński
Contre No. 1 
for violin and cello (2016)

Wojtek Blecharz
for timpano solo (2014)

Jeppe Ernst
Offertorium: Behandling B
for two performers (2016/17)
German premiere

Kuba Krzewiński
Listen with your skin
for three string instruments and one performer (2025)
Commissioned by MaerzMusik
World premiere


Kuba Krzewiński – composition, concept
Bastian Zimmermanndramaturgy, concept
Aliénor Dauchez – direction, stage, concep


Mia Bodet – violin, timpano
Kuba Krzewiński – violin
Sophie Nottevioloncello
Michał Pepolvioloncello

“A Face Like Yours” was created with the assistance of Chamber Made Opera and Professional Partnerships Scholarship VCA/MCM/Creative Victoria.

“blacksnowfalls” was composed for 47th International Summer New Music Courses in Darmstadt.