Press Images Awards 2024

Here you will find a limited selection of press photos of the Theatertreffen 2024. If you need other motifs, please contact us directly at

Please respect the copyright.

Portrait Nele Hertling

Nele Hertling

Winner of the Theatre-Award-Berlin, Stiftung Preußische Seehandlung

The photo is subject to a fee.
A high-resolution photo is available on request from the photographer Inge Zimmermann:

© Inge Zimmermann

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Ursina Lardi

Ursina Lardi

Juror of the Alfred-Kerr-Acting-Award 2024

The photo is subject to a fee.
Please contact the photographer Birgit Kaulfuß:

Phone: +49 172.397 66 82

© Birgit Kaulfuß

JPEG, 1.22 MB

Nikita Buldyrski

Nikita Buldyrski

Award winner of the Alfred-Kerr-Acting-Award 2024

© Fabian Schellhorn, Berliner Festspiele

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Performers on stage at the performance of "Die Hundekot-Attacke"

Die Hundekot-Attacke

Award winner of 3sat-Award 2024

Leon Pfannenmüller, Linde Dercon, Nikita Buldyrski, Henrike Commichau, Anna K. Seidel (f.l.t.r)

Theaterhaus Jena, Die Hundekot-Attacke © Joachim Dette

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Wunderbaum and the ensemble of Theaterhaus Jena

Award Winner of 3sat-Award 2024

Paul Wellenhof, Anna K. Seidel, Nikita Buldyrski, Linde Dercon, Henrike Commichau, Leon Pfannenmüller, Pina Bergemann (f.l.t.r)

Theaterhaus Jena, Die Hundekot-Attacke, © Felix Adler

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