© Berliner Festspiele, photo: Fabian Schellhorn
The Forum Ecological Sustainability in the Theatre of Theatertreffen was created as a space for theatre makers to educate themselves and develop networks for issues of sustainable cultural production.
As an EMAS-certified institution, Berliner Festspiele and their Theatertreffen consider sustainability to be a key concern. Theatertreffen’s “Forum Ökologische Nachhaltigkeit im Theater” (Forum Ecological Sustainability in the Theatre) was created in 2021 in cooperation with AktionsnetzwerkNachhaltigkeit in Kultur und Medien (Action Network Sustainability in Culture and the Media) as a space for theatre makers to gain information and develop networks on issues of sustainable culture production. Representatives from the theatres and production houses invited to Theatertreffen in the context of the ten most remarkable productions participate in networking events and workshops as Green Ambassadors, where they discuss approaches and challenges of sustainable theatre work and develop strategies and projects for an ecologically sustainable production of culture together.
Since the programme was launched, working groups concerned with sustainability have been created at many theatres. The previous years of Forum Ökologische Nachhaltigkeit im Theater have proved to be highly effective: Many theatres now have transformation managers and/or working groups on the issue, some theatres have even received EMAS-certification. Stakeholders and institutions have joined in a variety of initiatives to develop strategies for (more) sustainable culture production.
In order to promote the Forum’s development, a more extended approach was implemented in 2024: Theatres that have already participated in the Green Ambassadors-programme or who already have the relevant expertise (e.g. in the form of a transformation manager) can nominate a theatre that does not yet have this resource available. This will promote the creation of an increasingly broad basis for network knowledge among theatre makers in the German-language region – after all, networking is one of the most important components in achieving this common goal.
In the fourth edition of Forum Ökologische Nachhaltigkeit im Theater (Forum Ecological Sustainability in the Theatre), the nine theatres invited to the 2024 Theatertreffen (Schaubühne am Lehniner Platz had been represented by two productions) were able to nominate colleagues from other theatres with the aim of expanding the Forum’s expertise and networking opportunities beyond Theatertreffen itself. This meant that two institutions that had not previously been invited to Theatertreffen were able to participate in the annual workshop in the autumn: Deutsches Theater Göttingen and Landesbühnen Sachsen.
Green Ambassadors 2024
© Stefan Wieland
Within the framework of the third edition of Forum Ecological Sustainability in the Theatre, organised by Aktionsnetzwerk Nachhaltigkeit in Kultur und Medien and Theatertreffen, the autumn workshop on current issues regarding this topic was held on 6 and 7 October 2023: Eleven representatives of the theatres invited to the 2023 Theatertreffen discussed topics including the 2030 and 2045 climate goals, efficient management and certification systems and viable sustainability concepts towards an ecological transformation and transition.
Green Ambassadors 2023
© Stefan Wieland
On 6 and 7 October 2022, the autumn workshop of the Forum für Ökologische Nachhaltigkeit im Theater (Forum for Ecological Sustainability in the Theatre) took place with the second group of Green Ambassadors. A total of 17 representatives from the theatres and production houses invited to the Theatertreffen discussed urgent issues of ecological transformation and future viability of the theatre amongst each other and with invited guests.
Workshop Green Ambassadors 2022
© Berliner Festspiele, photo: Alex Janetzko
The first Forum Ecological Sustainability in the Theatre began with a digital launch event on 13 April 2021, attended by delegates from various departments representing eight theatres, production houses and collectives. This was followed by the Forum’s first two-day analogue workshop on 30 September and 1 October 2021 in Berlin: A total of 15 Green Ambassadors exchanged ideas on ecological sustainability in their workplaces and discussed the opportunities and challenges of a theatre made fit for the future.
Green Ambassadors 2021
© Berliner Festspiele, photo: Piero Chiussi