A group of people stand in the garden of the Haus der Berliner Festspiele at night.

© Berliner Festspiele, photo: Fabian Schellhorn


Aspiring arts journalists with a keen interest in the theatre will attend and critically reflect Theatertreffen on theatertreffen-blog.de as well as on Instagram.

The 2025 Bloggers

Five bloggers are invited to cover Theatertreffen in a variety of journalistic formats and to provide critical reflection.

The Theatertreffen-Blog

The Theatertreffen-Blog, headed conceptually and editorially by Grete Götze and Tamara Marszalkowski, sees itself as an editorial workshop where theatre and arts journalism can be tried out in the context of an ongoing festival. It intends to promote emerging journalists at the beginning of their career and aims to grant access to the world of culture and the media to a wide range of voices.

In this scholarship programme, around five aspiring arts journalists provide critical on-site coverage of Theatertreffen. Qualifications will be honed, journalistic writing skills will be developed and new formats will be tested.

Applications for participation in the Theatertreffen-Blog can be submitted in the context of an open call which is usually published towards the end of the previous year.


Relocating the festival newspaper – which was produced from 2005 to 2008 in cooperation with the Berliner Zeitung – to the internet expanded the reach and transparency of the festival’s coverage: discussions on the productions invited to the festival could be followed independently of time or place, and audiences were able to contribute their views via the comments section. The expansion of the call for submissions to include not only German but also English-speakers participants led to a more international tenor in the debates. And not least of all, requiring participants to have their own blog produced a selection of contributors who were already active online.

The Theatertreffen-Blog has developed into its own independent digital brand, and was linked by Guardian Online, nachtkritik.de and the feminist blog maedchenmannschaft.net, among others, as an original source. The Theatertreffen-Blog’s media partners included the Berliner Zeitung, EXBERLINER, 3sat/Kulturzeit, kultiversum.de, Theater der Zeit, ZEIT ONLINE and blogger Mary Sherpe from stilinberlin.de as well as Johanna von Stülpnagel from redenswinger.de/blog. These partners have given staff support to the blog editorial team and its work by releasing journalists from work to act as mentors, media support in terms of linking, and content support through their own reviews and postings.

From 2011 to 2015 the Theatertreffen-Blog was funded by the Rudolf Augstein Foundation. Since 2016 the Theatertreffen-Blog has been funded by Stiftung Presse-Haus NRZ.

The Theatertreffen-Blog was founded in 2009 by Nikola Richter, who was its head until 2013. In 2014 and 2015, Bianca Praetorius took over this position. From 2016 to 2021, Janis El-Bira was head of the Theatertreffen-Blog. In 2022, Antigone Akgün and Ozi Ozar took over the conception and editing of the project. The 2023 Theatertreffen-Blog was headed by Antigone Akgün in close cooperation with Zofia nierodzińska. Grete Götze and Tamara Marszalkowski have been responsible for the concept and editing since 2024.

Funded by

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