Stückemarkt Awards

The Stückemarkt’s commission of work has been awarded in cooperation with the Federal Agency for Civic Education/bpb from 2007–2022. Former prizes were the Foundation Award for New Drama (Förderpreis für neue Dramatik), awarded by Heinz und Heide Dürr Stiftung between 2003 and 2012 and the Award for Theatre Texts as Radio Plays (2007–2012), in cooperation with Deutschlandradio Kultur.

Commission of Work

The Stückemarkt commission of work came with a prize sum of 7,000 Euros, was awarded to one of the authors or collectives invited to the Stückemarkt and involved a commission of work by a theatre in the German-language region. It was funded by the Federal Agency for Civic Education/bpb from 2007 to 2022.

The prize winners from 2007 to 2022

2022 Amanda Wilkin
WP 2023/24 at Schauspiel Leipzig

2021 Ta-Nia
WP 2021/22 at Schauspiel Dortmund

2020 No commission of work was awarded.
The Theatertreffen took place in a digital version without the Stückemarkt.

2019 Manuela Infante
WP 2020/21 at Schauspiel Bochum

2018 Maya Arad Yasur
WP 2019/20 at Schauspiel Köln

2017 Bonn Park
WP 2018/19 at Badisches Staatstheater Karlsruhe

2016 Bara Kolenc and Atej Tutta for “BLACKHOLES”
WP 2017 at Schauspiel Dortmund

2013 – 2015 Not awarded

2012 Pamela Carter for “Skåne – in der ebene”
WP of “fast ganz nah – Euer Krieg ist unser Krieg” (TT Stückemarkt Commission 2012) on 06.04.2013, Staatsschauspiel Dresden

2011 Anne Lepper for “hund wohin gehen wir”
WP of “Seymour oder Ich bin nur aus Versehen hier” (TT Stückemarkt Commission 2011) on 08.01.2012, Schauspiel Hannover

2010 Wolfram Lotz for “Der große Marsch”
WP of “Einige Nachrichten an das All” (TT Stückemarkt Commission 2010) on 24.02.2011, Deutsches Nationaltheater Weimar

2009 Nis-Momme Stockmann for “Der Mann der die Welt aß”
WP of “Kein Schiff wird kommen” (TT Stückemarkt Commission 2009) on 10.02.2010, Schauspiel Stuttgart

2008 Anne Habermehl for “Letztes Territorium”
WP of “Daddy” (TT Stückemarkt Commission 2008) on 20.06.2009, Bayerisches Staatsschauspiel München

2007 Philipp Löhle for “Genannt Gospodin”
WP of “Die Kaperer oder Reiß nieder das Haus und erbaue ein Schiff” (TT Stückemarkt Commission 2007) on 20.03.2008, Schauspielhaus Wien
GP on 18.09.2008, Staatstheater Mainz

Theatertreffen Prize for New Drama

The Theatertreffen Prize for New Drama, worth 5,000 euros, is connected with a premiere at a well-known theatre. From 2004 to 2011 it was sponsored by the German Federal Centre for Political Education and since 2012 by the Heinz und Heide Dürr Stiftung.

The prizewinners from 2003 to 2012

2012 Michel Decar für “Jonas Jagow”
WP 16.03.2013, Maxim Gorki Theater Berlin

2011 Juri Sternburg for “now the jerk is somewhere else again”
WP 15.01.2012, Maxim Gorki Theater Berlin

2010 Claudia Grehn for “Harvest”
WP 19.12.2010, Maxim Gorki Theater Berlin

2009 Oliver Kluck for “The Meese Principle”
WP 06.02.2010, Maxim Gorki Theater Berlin

2008 Klaas Tindemans for “Bulger”
WP 17.12.2008, Maxim Gorki Theater Berlin

2007 Maria Kilpi for “Harmin Paikka – plus zero point five calm”
WP 20.12.2007, Maxim Gorki Theater Berlin

2006 Thomas Freyer for “Amoklauf mein Kinderspiel” (“Running Amok My Children’s Game”)
WP 28.05.2006, Deutsches Nationaltheater Weimar

2005 Oliver Schmaering for “Seefahrerstück” (“Seafarer’s Play”)
WP 17.09.2005, Neues Theater Halle

2004 Laura Sintija Cerniauskaite for “Lucy auf Eis” (“Lucy is Skating”)

2003 Anja Hilling for “Sterne” (“Stars”)
WP 28.01.2006, Bühnen der Stadt Bielefeld
and David Lindemann for “Koala Lumpur”
WP 19.12.2003, Schauspielhaus Bochum
(Sponsored by the Dresdner Bank)

Theatre Text as Radio Play

The prize Theatre Text as Radio Play was awarded from 2007 to 2012 in cooperation with Deutschlandradio Kultur as part of the Theatertreffen Stückemarkt and consisted of the adaptation of a text for the radio.

The prizewinners from 2007 to 2012

2012 Wolfram Höll for “And then”
was produced by Deutschlandradio Kultur

2011 Mario Salazar for “All That Glitters”
was produced by Deutschlandradio Kultur

2010 Julian van Daal for “Turn Everything Off”
was produced by Deutschlandradio Kultur

2009 Davide Carnevali for “Variazioni sul modello di Kraepelin – Variations on the Kraepelin model”
was produced by Deutschlandradio Kultur

2008 Sergej Medwedew for “Parikmacherscha – The Hairdresser”
was produced by Deutschlandradio Kultur

2007 Maria Kilpi for “Harmin Paikka – plus null komma fünf windstill”
was produced by Deutschlandradio Kultur