Team 2021

The Theatertreffen team 2021

Director Theatertreffen Yvonne Büdenhölzer

Assistant to the Director Anneke Wiesner

Dramaturgy Anna-Katharina Müller (Head of Stückemarkt, substitution for Maria Nübling), Maria Nübling (Head of Stückemarkt), Necati Öziri (Head of International Forum), Daja Vogt (Assistance Stückemarkt / Dramaturgy)

Head of Organisation Katharina Fritzsche
Organisation Susanne Albrecht (Administration, Controlling), Lina Erlenmaier (Assistance Organisation), Laura Hänel (Assistance Administration), Gesine Försterling (Assistance International Forum), Undine Klose (Assistance Organisation), Anna Mariscal (Assistance International Forum), Marlene Hänig (Assistance Organisation), Janina Prossek (Festival Office)

Interns Mascha Luttmann, Ozi Ozar, Sophie Wolf

Theatertreffen-Blog Janis El-Bira (Head of Project), Anna-Maria Domeier (Assistance), Viktor Nübel (Design and Programming)

Festival Design Eva Veronica Born, Anne Laure Jullian de la Fuente (Assistance)

Technical Director Matthias Schäfer

Venue Manager Karsten Neßler

serve-u (Technical Support) Andreas Buchholz

Best Films Forever (Film Production) Theresa Baumgartner, Mariel Baqueiro, Avril Ceballos, Paula Durinova, Moira Garee, Petra Hermanova, Zoe Kahlert, Carmel Köster, Hiroo Tanaka, Carlos Vazquez

The Theatertreffen team commemorates the technical director of the Berliner Festspiele, Andreas Weidmann, who accompanied the Theatertreffen from 2004 to 2018. We miss his commitment to the art of theatre and an invaluable colleague!
† 11 August 2018