Meet International Theatre Makers

14 to 16 May 2010

What happens when a director from Buenos Aires meets a stage designer from Berlin? When a musician from New Dehli develops a project with a performer from Cracow? Or a Hungarian theatre production performs in Beijing? Complex world-​wide co-​operations and networks are growing but nevertheless there are still misunderstandings, prejudices and differences.

This year Theatertreffen seeks to intensify its exchanges with it numerous international guests and is therefore planning an international weekend at the Haus der Berliner Festspiele together with the Goethe institute, the Federal Foreign Office and the Allianz Kulturstiftung. Under the title ACHTUNG TRANSIT leading cultural experts and mentors from the German and international cultural arena will meet together with our international audience of theatre professionals and theatre-​ and festival makers from diverse cultural backgrounds. The differences and prejudices which persist despite – or is it because of – globalization will be compared and discussed with reference to methods of artistic production and artistic trends.

Encounters with theatremakers from around the world will investigate the connections and divisions of international theatre work. Our own structures will be questioned from an external perspective and inspired anew. The participants will bring their countries’ cultures with them to Berlin – and after this weekend take ideas and projects back with them around the world: ACHTUNG TRANSIT.

ACHTUNG TRANSIT will lay out the complex circumstances of international theatre work in lectures and debate them in performative and occasionally subversive workshops. The possibilities and/or limits of transcultural collaboration will be made tangible from a range of perspectives, areas of expertise and backgrounds.