Theatre | The 10 Selected Productions

Die Straße. Die Stadt. Der Überfall.

By Elfriede Jelinek

Münchner Kammerspiele

World premiere 27 October 2012

Die Straße. Die Stadt. Der Überfall., © Julian Röder

Die Straße. Die Stadt. Der Überfall.. Sandra Hüller, Hans Kremer, Stephan Bissmeier, Marc Benjamin © Julian Röder

Public discussion 10 May 2013, following the performance
Haus der Berliner Festspiele, Bornemann Bar / Kubus
with the ensemble and Christoph Leibold (jury)
Moderation Tobi Müller

Ice cubes glitter like diamonds on the playing area. But soon their splendour melts under the stage lights. It’s all illusion. It’s about transience. And about fashion. And what is more transient than fashion? Munich’s fashion mile Maximilianstraße (which is also the location of the Münchner Kammerspiele, the theatre which Elfried Jelinek donated her play to) – a Vanity Fair, in more than one sense: everything is vain, everything means nothing.

But everything can come out of a nothing. As clothes do make the man and little Munich likes to wrap itself in great significance. Strange characters stroll across the stage in Johan Simons’ production: men in high heels, wearing skin-coloured ladies’ underwear and covering up their withered flesh with fashion accessories, fur coats and Louis Vuitton handbags. And among all these men: Sandra Hüller as a fashion victim, brought to hilarious desperation by her fancy new skirt which is reducing her to a nonentity. Because it will never look on her like it does on the models on all those posters. This is theatre of existential depth, beyond all fashion and beautiful surfaces.

Directed by Johan Simons
Stage design Eva Veronica Born
Costume design Teresa Vergho
Music Carl Oesterhelt
Lighting design Wolfgang Göbbel
Dramaturgy Matthias Günther

Marc Benjamin, Stephan Bissmeier, Benny Claessens, Sandra Hüller, Hans Kremer, Steven Scharf, Maximilian Simonischek

Trumpet Micha Acher
Bass clarinet Stefan Schreiber
Trombone Mathias Goetz
Piano Sachiko Hara
Melotrone Michael Oesterhelt