Theatre | The 10 Selected Productions

Reise durch die Nacht

By Friederike Mayröcker

Schauspiel Köln

Premiere 13 October 2012

Reise durch die Nacht, © Stephen Cummiskey

Reise durch die Nacht © Stephen Cummiskey

Public discussion 12 May 2013, following the performance
Radialsystem V
with the ensemble and Vasco Boenisch (jury)
Moderation Tobi Müller

A silent couple in a sleeping car. The night train is taking them from Paris to Vienna, but the real journey leads into the mind of the first-person narrator. The woman is going to pieces – and we are there to follow the score: shreds of memories, set pieces from dreams and traumas which she tries to restrain by taking them down in her notebook, to make sure of herself.

Katie Mitchell turns Mayröcker’s epic poetry of feminist empathy into a stupendous study of very contemporary attributions of identity. On a broadband film set, bustling performers reproduce these “flashes of memory” in fascinating moments of live cinema. These seem to coherently reveal the protagonist’s life as she seeks to take hold of it in her stream of consciousness. Moving, oppressive and a little perfidious. Because, watch out: What seizes us and makes us believe that we have grasped a biography is no more than a few gestures, glances, stereotypical highlights on marital frustration and daddy issues. If we think that is enough to signify a life – good night, indeed.

Directed by Katie Mitchell
Video Leo Warner
Stage design Alex Eales
Costume design Laura Hopkins
Sound design Gareth Fry, Melanie Wilson
Lighting design Jack Knowles
Dramaturgy Jan Hein
Recorded video Grant Gee

Nikolaus Benda, Frederike Bohr, Ruth Marie Kröger, Renato Schuch, Maik Solbach, Julia Wieninger

Live camera:
Nikolaus Benda, Frederike Bohr, Lily McLeish, Renato Schuch, Maik Solbach, Christin Wilke