Award Ceremony

Alfred Kerr Acting Prize

To Julia Häusermann,
awarded by Thomas Thieme, juror

Thomas Thieme, © Nikolai Eberth

Thomas Thieme © Nikolai Eberth

Awarded was Julia Häusermann
for her role in in “Disabled Theater”,
directed by Jérôme Bel, Theater HORA - Stiftung Züriwerk, Zurich / HAU Hebbel am Ufer

The Alfred Kerr Acting Prize will be awarded for the 19th time during the Theatertreffen. This award, named after the well-known Berlin theatre critic, will be presented for outstanding achievement from an emerging new actor or actress in a production selected for the Theatertreffen.

Former prize winners were amongst others Johanna Wokaledk, August Diehl, Fritzi Haberlandt, Devid Striesow, Niklas Kohrt, Kathleen Morgeneyer, Paul Herwig, Lina Beckmann and Fabian Hinrichs.

The jurors of of the prize in the past years were Bernhard Minetti, Marianne Hoppe, Albert Hetterle, Käthe Reichel, Angelica Domröse, Udo Samel, Walter Schmidinger, Elisabeth Trissenaar, Ivan Nagel, Ulrich Mühe, Ulrich Matthes, Martin Wuttke, Martina Gedeck, Gerd Wameling, Jutta Lampe, Bruno Ganz, Eva Matthes and Nina Hoss.