Theatre | Focus Fassbinder

Angst essen Deutschland auf

A look back to the future from the perspective – and in the words – of Rainer Werner Fassbinder

Schaubühne am Lehniner Platz

Premiere 15 April 2013

Angst essen Deutschland auf © Heiko Schäfer

Angst essen Deutschland auf. Patrick Wengenroth © Heiko Schäfer

Germany, 1982: Rainer Werner Fassbinder dies; Nicole wins the Eurovision song contest with “Ein bißchen Frieden” (“A Little Peace”); Helmut Kohl becomes chancellor.

Berlin, 2013: Patrick Wengenroth creates an evening of theatre from more than 500 pages of original interviews with Fassbinder, on the emotional constitution of Germany, past, present and future.

Realisation Patrick Wengenroth
Stage design Mascha Mazur
Costume design Ulrike Gutbrod
Music Matze Kloppe
Lighting design Lutz Gruhlke

Niels Bormann
Jule Böwe
Christoph Gawenda
Ulrich Hoppe
Matze Kloppe
Eva Meckbach
Felix Römer
Patrick Wengenroth