The Shortlisted Productions 2016

These 38 productions were considered and discussed by the jury.


Edward II. Die Liebe bin ich (Edward II. The Love am I)
By Ewald Palmetshofer based on Christopher Marlowe
Directed by Nora Schlocker
Theater Basel / Schauspielhaus Wien / Wiener Festwochen


Väter und Söhne (Fathers and Sons) [selected]
By Brian Friel based on Ivan Turgenev
Directed by Daniela Löffner
Deutsches Theater

In unserem Namen (In Our Name)
Using Aeschylus’ “The Suppliants”, Elfriede Jelinek’s “The Supplicants”, the 42nd meeting of the Committee on Internal Affairs of the German Bundestag as well as original contributions of the actors
Directed by Sebastian Nübling
Maxim Gorki Theater

Musa Dagh – Tage des Widerstands (Musa Dagh – Days of Resistance)
Based on “Die vierzig Tage des Musa Dagh”
By Franz Werfel
Directed by Hans-Werner Kroesinger
Maxim Gorki Theater

The Situation [selected]
By Yael Ronen & Ensemble
Directed by Yael Ronen
Maxim Gorki Theater

Und dann kam Mirna (And then Came Mirna)
By Sibylle Berg
Directed by Sebastian Nübling
Maxim Gorki Theater

Nachtasyl (The Lower Depths)
By Maxim Gorky
Directed by Michael Thalheimer
Schaubühne am Lehniner Platz

der die mann [selected]
Based on texts by Konrad Bayer
Directed by Herbert Fritsch
Volksbühne am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz

Die Brüder Karamasow (The Brothers Karamazov)
Based on Fyodor M. Dostoyevsky
Directed by Frank Castorf
Volksbühne am Rosa-Luxemburg Platz / Wiener Festwochen

By Friedrich Hebbel
Directed by Frank Castorf
Volksbühne am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz

Keiner findet sich schön (Nobody Finds Himself Pretty)
By René Pollesch
Directed by René Pollesch
Volksbühne am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz

Service / No service
By René Pollesch
Directed by René Pollesch
Volksbühne am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz


Leas Hochzeit (Lea’s Wedding)
By Judith Herzberg
Directed by Eric de Vroedt
Schauspielhaus Bochum


3.31.93 Ein Großstadtreigen (3.31.93 A City Roundel)
By Lars Norén
Directed by Moritz Sostmann
Schauspiel Köln


Based on Pier Paolo Pasolini / Johann Sebastian Bach
Directed by Johan Simons
Conductors Philippe Herreweghe / Christoph Siebert
Zeche Lohberg Dinslaken – Ruhrtriennale / NTGent


Graf Öderland / Wir sind das Volk (Count Öderland / We Are the People)
By Max Frisch with texts by people from Dresden
Directed by Volker Lösch
Staatsschauspiel Dresden


Die stille Kraft (The Hidden Force)
By Louis Couperus
Directed by Ivo van Hove
Zollverein Essen – Ruhrtriennale / Toneelgroep Amsterdam


By Heinrich von Kleist
Directed by Michael Thalheimer
Schauspiel Frankfurt


Effi Briest – allerdings mit anderem Text und auch anderer Melodie [selected]
(Effi Briest – albeit with a different text and a different melody)
By Clemens Sienknecht and Barbara Bürk
Based on Theodor Fontane
Directed by Clemens Sienknecht and Barbara Bürk
Deutsches Schauspielhaus Hamburg

Reisende auf einem Bein (Travellers on One Leg)
By Herta Müller
Directed by Katie Mitchell
Deutsches Schauspielhaus Hamburg

Schiff der Träume (And the Ship Sails On) [selected]
A European requiem based on Federico Fellini
Based on Federico Fellini
Directed by Karin Beier
Deutsches Schauspielhaus Hamburg

Söhne & Söhne (Sons & Sons)
By SIGNA (Signa and Arthur Köstler)
Directed by Signa Köstler
Deutsches Schauspielhaus Hamburg
Ehemalige staatl. Gewerbeschule für Bauhandwerker

Kasimir und Karoline – Glauben Lieben Hoffen (Kasimir and Karoline – Believing Loving Hoping)
By Ödön von Horváth
Directed by Jette Steckel
Thalia Theater

Liebe. Trilogie meiner Familie 1 (Love. Trilogy of my Family 1)
Based on Émile Zola
Directed by Luk Perceval
Thalia Theater / Ruhrtriennale


Der Auftrag. (The Mission)
Memory of a Revolution by Heiner Müller
Directed by Tom Kühnel and Jürgen Kuttner
Schauspiel Hannover / Ruhrfestspiele Recklinghausen


Stolpersteine Staatstheater [selected]
(Tripping Stones State Theatre)
By Hans-Werner Kroesinger
Directed by Hans-Werner Kroesinger
Badisches Staatstheater Karlsruhe


Tyrannis [selected]
By Ersan Mondtag
Directed by Ersan Mondtag
Staatstheater Kassel


Die Schutzflehenden / Die Schutzbefohlenen
(The Suppliants / The Supplicants)
By Aeschylus / Elfriede Jelinek
Directed by Enrico Lübbe
Schauspiel Leipzig


Caspar Western Friedrich
By Philippe Quesne
Directed by Philippe Quesne
Münchner Kammerspiele

Mittelreich (Middle Rich) [selected]
Based on Josef Bierbichler
Directed by Anna-Sophie Mahler
Münchner Kammerspiele


Buch (5 ingredientes de la vida)
By Fritz Kater
Directed by Armin Petras
Schauspiel Stuttgart / Münchner Kammerspiele

Unterm Rad (Beneath the Wheel)
Based on Hermann Hesse
Directed by Frank Abt
Schauspiel Stuttgart


Die Schutzbefohlenen (The Supplicants)
By Elfriede Jelinek
Directed by Michael Thalheimer

Diese Geschichte von Ihnen (This Story of Yours)
By John Hopkins
Directed by Andrea Breth
Burgtheater im Akademietheater

John Gabriel Borkman [selected]
Based Henrik Ibsen by Simon Stone
Directed by Simon Stone
Burgtheater im Akademietheater / Wiener Festwochen / Theater Basel

Vassa Zheleznova
By Maxim Gorky
Directed by Andreas Kriegenburg

Lost and Found
By Yael Ronen und Ensemble
Directed by Yael Ronen


Ein Volksfeind (An Enemy of the People) [selected]
By Henrik Ibsen
An adaptation by Dietmar Dath
Directed by Stefan Pucher
Schauspielhaus Zürich