
Ein durch und durch jämmerliches Stück

Ein Gespräch über Kulturkritik

They embody the drama following the drama: Ever since they entered the scene, theatre critics have been the divas of the arts pages, as controversial as the performances themselves. But what makes a good review? And how has the task of theatre criticism changed in an era where everyone can spread their opinions via the web? At a jointly hosted podium discussion, Theatertreffen, Deutsche Oper Berlin and Rat für die Künste will investigate the current positions.

Till Briegleb culture journalist
Florian Lutz director Oper Halle
Armin Petras director Schauspiel Stuttgart, director
Julia Spinola freelance journalist

Moderation Christina Tilmann journalist / Rat für die Künste

In cooperation with Deutsche Oper Berlin and Rat für die Künste