Performance | Stückemarkt

Who cares?! – eine vielstimmige Personalversammlung der Sorgetragenden

By Swoosh Lieu (Germany)

Stückemarkt I

Swoosh Lieu: Who cares?! – eine vielstimmige Personalversammlung der Sorgetragenden © Helena Petersen

Swoosh Lieu: Who cares?! – eine vielstimmige Personalversammlung der Sorgetragenden © Helena Petersen

Artist talk with Swoosh Lieu following the second performance
Moderation Christina Zintl

FRI 12 May 2017, 13:00, Haus der Berliner Festspiele
Die Demokratie der Mittel
Workshop with Swoosh Lieu
Registration under

“Who cares?!” is the artists’ collective Swoosh Lieu’s first project in a planned trilogy about the consequences of the financial crisis. From a number of feminist perspectives, “Who cares?!” explores the various roles of women as caregivers in our times. It gives a voice to women whose work in caring professions mostly remains unseen and thus unappreciated. With playful levity, Swoosh Lieu operate at the interface of sound collage, documentary theatre and performance. An intriguing piece about the role of women in a neoliberal society.
Hakan Savaş Mican

By Swoosh Lieu
Concept, performance, stage, light Johanna Castell
Concept, performance, sound Katharina Kellermann
Concept, performance, video, light Rosa Wernecke

Performance, text Katharina Speckmann
Stage, costumes, performance Lani Tran Duc
Bühne, Kostüme Anika Marquardt
Dramaturgy Stawrula Panagiotaki
Stage design assistance Friederike Schmidt-Colinet
Production manager Bernhard Siebert
Assistance Verena Katz
English voice-over Mareike Wenzel