Theatre | The 10 Selected Productions


Volksbühne am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz, Berlin (under the Artistic Direction of Frank Castorf)

Premiere 3. März 2017

Faust © Thomas Aurin

Faust. Marc Hosemann © Thomas Aurin

Opening party on 4 May, following the performance
Public discussion on 5 May, following the performance

It is serendipitous: A directorship which has shaped theatre history like no other since 1989 sets its final chords with a work of considerable theatrical force. Frank Castorf`s reading of Goethe’s “Faust” shows total freedom of interpretation and ample additions of external text. For him, it is not the drama of the German thinker, but rather the drama of the European bourgeoisie, who had set out in 1789 to free all peoples from feudal bondage. And what actually came about was the bondage of capitalist economisation. This journey takes us from the “creation of man”-scenarios of “Faust II”, via France in the Second Empire, to the colonial reality of the Algerian war. We follow Faust not so much as a character, but rather as a complex of problems: Global Player Faust. For his expedition campaigns, Castorf has assembled a throng of exceptional actors who hold this eruptive stage event together at its core: Marc Hosemann, Sophie Rois, Alexander Scheer, Lilith Stangenberg, Martin Wuttke. And Valery Tscheplanowa, who was selected as “Female actor of the year” for this performance.

Scenes from Goethe’s underground. Also an excerpt from Émile Zola: NANA. Complete edition. Translated and with an epilogue by Erich Marx, Sammlung Dieterich, volume 202, © Aufbau Verlag GmbH & Co. KG, Berlin 1957, 2008. And: Paul Celan. Todesfuge. © Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt (publishing group Random House GmbH).

Directed by Frank Castorf
Stage Design Aleksandar Denić
Costume Design Adriana Braga
Lighting Design Lothar Baumgarte
Camera Andreas Deinert, Mathias Klütz
Video Editors Jens Crull, Maryvonne Riedelsheimer
Sound Design Tobias Gringel, Christopher von Nathusius
Music and Sound Jonathan Bruns, Detlef Feiertag
Boom Operators Dario Brinkmann, Lorenz Fischer, William Minke, Cemile Sahin
Dramaturgy Sebastian Kaiser
Artistic Production Manager Sebastian Klink

Faust Martin Wuttke
Mephistopheles Marc Hosemann
Margarete and Helen Valery Tscheplanowa
Lord Byron and Anaxagoras Alexander Scheer
The Witch Sophie Rois
Doctor Wagner Lars Rudolph
Guenon Satin Lilith Stangenberg
Homunculus Hanna Hilsdorf
Monsieur Bordenave, directeur du Théâtre des Variétés Daniel Zillmann
Phorkyade Thelma Buabeng
Valentin Frank Büttner
Papa Legba and Baucis Joelnize Silva Hein
Baron Samedi & Monsieur Rap rencontrent Aimé Césaire Abdoul Kader Traoré
The Hurdy-Gurdy Man Sir Henry
Black Poodle Bukowski

The performances of “Faust” are made possible by the additional funding of the Berlin Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Europa and the LOTTO-Stiftung Berlin.