Theatre | The 10 Selected Productions

Rückkehr nach Reims / Returning to Reims

Based on the novel of the same title by Didier Eribon
German translation from the French by Tobias Haberkorn
in a version of the Schaubühne

Schaubühne am Lehniner Platz, Berlin
Co-production with Manchester International Festival (MIF), HOME Manchester and Théâtre de la Ville Paris

English-language premiere in Manchester 8 July 2017
German-language premiere 24 September 2017

Rückkehr nach Reims © Arno Declair

Rückkehr nach Reims. Sebastian Schwarz, Nina Hoss © Arno Declair

Public discussion on 12 May, following the performance

Thomas Ostermeier has staged the most fiercely debated novel of the past theatre-season – and has gone beyond it. Together with Didier Eribon, he returns to the working class quarters of Reims, to the volubly denied roots and the established origins of the current nationalist swing to the right. In memory of her father Willi, a co-founder of the German Green Party, Nina Hoss expands on the consequences of Eribon’s book for today’s Left. The show’s artful frame, constructed from elements of reality and re-enactment, documentary project and work of art, gives a utopian twist to Eribon’s pessimistic résumé. How can we responsibly take a stand in a world that is in a state of dissolution? How can we become capable of action in the face of rampant populism? Ostermeier not only raises these questions, he also gives answers.

Directed by Thomas Ostermeier
Set and Costume Design Nina Wetzel
Collaboration Set Design Doreen Back
Music Nils Ostendorf
Sound Design Jochen Jezussek
Dramaturgy Florian Borchmeyer, Maja Zade
Lighting Design Erich Schneider
Film Direction Sébastien Dupouey, Thomas Ostermeier
Camera Sébastien Dupouey, Marcus Lenz, Marie Sanchez
Film Editing Sébastien Dupouey
Original Sound Film Peter Carstens, Robert Nabholz
Archival Research Film Laure Comte, BAGAGE (Sonja Heitman, Uschi Feldges)
Live System Engineers Film Jake Witlen, Sabrina Brückner
Production Managers Film Stefan Nagel / Annette Poehlmann

Nina Hoss
Sebastian Schwarz (German only) / Bush Moukarzel (English only)
Ali Gadema

Funded by the LOTTO-Stiftung Berlin.