Performance | Shifting Perspectives


By and with Annalyzer, Djana Covic, Nico de Rooij, Kieron Jina, Mbali Mdluli, Antje Schupp (Johannesburg/Basel)
Shifting Perspectives

PINK MON€Y © Suzy Bernstein

PINK MON€Y © Suzy Bernstein

Afterwards party with DJ Elephant Power in the Bornemann Bar

PINK MON€Y is performance, party, protest. Pink Money is the currency of the LGBTI community, the spending capacity of tolerance and the tourism that goes with it – to Cape Town, for instance, a Mecca of the queer community, with a legal situation more liberal than that of most other places in the world. But who gets Pink Money, and at what price? How much freedom can you afford? Fighting against labels and for tolerance, the artists’ collective celebrates diversity and stands against black-and-white thinking, discrimination and violence. The energetic performance declares the nightlife to be the counter-model of conventional everyday existence. Always keeping their eye on the ramified consequences of race, class and gender. Because the business of Pink Money is based on a global phenomenon of violence against people who live and love differently from all the rest.

Idea Antje Schupp
Performance Annalyzer, Kieron Jina, Mbali Mdluli, Antje Schupp
Visuals & DJ Mbali Mdluli aka Miz Buttons
Choreography Kieron Jina
Performing Vocalist Anelisa Stuurman aka Annalyzer
Scenography and Image Dramaturgy Djana Covic, Nico de Rooij
Costumes Marie Fricout, Sithembiso Mngadi
Production Managers Bernhard la Dous, Thabiso Pule
Outer Eye Johanna-Yasirra Kluhs

A born2perform production in co-production with Kaserne Basel, PATHOS Munich und Netzwerk Freier Theater (NFT). In collaboration with Soweto Dance Project, City of Johannesburg, University of Johannesburg Arts & Culture and Studio SIDF.

With generous support of Fachausschuss Tanz & Theater BS/BL, SüdKulturFonds, Fondation Nestlé pour l’Art and Jacqueline Spengler Stiftung.

The performances are supported by Pro Helvetia, Swiss Arts Council.