Discourse | TT Context


TT Context

We like to thank the students of the IALT at Leipzig University for the translation of the English part at the event.

Which heroes and heroines, holidays and crimes write our present – and which don’t? What if there is more than one past? Who does it belong to? What does the flipside of western history sound like? Can thought be decolonised – and what does that mean for the future? UNLEARNING History is a journey through the (hi)stories that we are – they reveal our secrets and lies, contradict and continue each other and look for a future in the plural mode.


18:30–19:20, Kassenhalle
Réouvrir les futurs
Reopening the future
Zukunft neu öffnen

<small>A keynote speech and a conversation with Felwine Sarr (Nantes / Saint Louis), moderated by Esra Küçük (Berlin)</small>
The philosopher, economist and philosopher Felwine Sarr, who co-founded the “Ateliers de la Pensée (Thinking Workshop)” , a four-day conference on the future of our planet, with Achille Mbembe, will speak about a fair tomorrow, about democracy today and the question of why we need to first of all decolonize our thinking.

19:30–20:30, Kassenhalle
The Other Story – Colonialism as a Global Phenomenon
<small>A conversation between zwischen Mykola Rjabchuk (Kiev) and María do Mar Castro Varela (Berlin) moderated by Nadja Ofuatey-Alazard (Munich)</small>
Sometimes, (post)colonial power structures can lurk in unexpected and yet familiar places. Author and journalist Mykola Ryabchuk will discuss crypto-colonialism and the enduring presence of the past with political scientist María do Mar Castro.

20:30–21:30, Kassenhalle
Countering History – the Appropriation of Hegemonic Narrations as Aesthetic Practise
<small>A conversation with Ho Rui An (Singapore), Nofar Sela (Tel Aviv), Grace Passô (Belo Horizonte) moderated by Julian Warner (Munich)</small>
How can artists re-appropriate colonial narration? What could alternative plans and international alliances look like? Which aesthetic strategies do they share? Together, the artists of Shifting Perspectives will explore how the theatre can find a new way of writing (hi)stories.