Discourse | TT Kontext


TT Context

We like to thank the students of the IALT at Leipzig University for the translation at the event.

What is the connection between cat calls and the gender pay gap? How do old, familiar images of masculinity and structural sexism relate to each other? Are we even able to cast off ways of living that we learned from a young age and shouldn’t the theatre as a“moral institution” pave the way regarding issues of equal opportunity policies? Beyond the confines of the stage, UNLEARNING Patriarchy asks whether it would not benefit us all to renegotiate established concepts of masculinity, fixed role images and crusty systems.


15:00-15:30, Bornemann Bar / Upper Foyer
Everyday Sexism – From Routine Sexism to Gender Injustice
<small>A keynote speech by Laura Bates (London)</small>
As the founder of the “Everyday Sexism Project”, British journalist Laura Bates gives a voice to countless abuses, verbal transgressions and the suffering of many women in their struggle for equal opportunities. This chorus is loud, direct and not to be ignored, confronting us with the brutality of our day-to-day lives – because so far, they are governed by the power of habit.

15:30-17:00, Bornemann Bar / Upper Foyer
Masculinity in Crisis?
<small>A conversation</small>
With Laura Bates (London), Kübra Gümüşay (Hamburg), Elahe Haschemi Yekani (Berlin), Matthias Weigel (Berlin)
Moderation Margarita Tsomou (Berlin)
We want to talk about power asymmetries in our everyday lives. But without ending up, as we did with #MeToo and the issue of gender injustices in the cultural sector, with a debate about the debate. But who can show us ways out of the dilemma of outdated images of masculinity and structural sexism? A conversation about ways of cracking patriarchal role images.