The 2021 Shortlisted Productions

These productions were considered and discussed by the jury.


Graf Öderland [selected]
A Ballad in Twelve Scenes by Max Frisch
Directed by Stefan Bachmann
A co-production of Theater Basel (artistic directorship Andreas Beck, proxy Almut Wagner) and Bayerisches Staatsschauspiel/Residenztheater (Munich)
Premiere 14 February 2020 (Basel) |


NAME HER. Eine Suche nach den Frauen+ [selected]
Idea, concept, text and direction by Marie Schleef
A production by Marie Schleef in co-operation with Ballhaus Ost (Berlin), Münchner Kammerspiele (Munich) and Kosmos Theater (Vienna). Funded with the support of Hauptstadtkulturfonds and the district of Pankow (Berlin), office of further education, arts and culture – funding for arts and culture
World Premiere 25 September 2020 (Ballhaus Ost, Berlin) | |

Der Zauberberg (The Magic Mountain) [selected]
Based on Thomas Mann
Directed and designed by Sebastian Hartmann
Deutsches Theater Berlin
Live Stream Premiere 20 November 2020

Maria Stuart (Mary Stuart) [selected]
By Friedrich Schiller
Directed by Anne Lenk
Deutsches Theater Berlin
Premiere 30 October 2020

By and with Sebastian Bark, Johanna Freiburg, Fanni Halmburger, Lisa Lucassen, Mieke Matzke, Ilia Papatheodorou, Berit Stumpf
A production of She She Pop in co-production with HAU Hebbel am Ufer (Berlin), Kampnagel (Hamburg), Künstlerhaus Mousonturm (Frankfurt/Main), FFT Düsseldorf, Residenz Schauspiel Leipzig, HELLERAU – Europäisches Zentrum der Künste (Dresden), Kaserne Basel, Dublin Theatre Festival and Festival delle Colline Torinesi/TPE – Teatro Piemonte Europa. Funded by the German Federal Cultural Foundation and by the Berlin Senate – Department for Culture and Europe
Premiere 19 September 2020 (HAU Hebbel am Ufer, Berlin) | | | | | | | | |

Show Me A Good Time [selected]
Conceived and directed by Gob Squad
A Gob Squad production. World premiere co-commissioned and co-produced by HAU Hebbel am Ufer (Berlin) and La Jolla Playhouse Without Walls Series (San Diego). Co-produced by Künstlerhaus Mousonturm (Frankfurt/Main), Schlachthaus Theater Bern, Internationales Sommerfestival Kampnagel (Hamburg). Supported by Fonds Darstellende Künste with funds from the Minister of State for Culture and the Media. Gob Squad is funded by the Berlin Senate – Department for Culture and Europe
Live Stream World Premiere 20 June 2020 (HAU Hebbel am Ufer, Berlin) | | | | |


King Lear
By William Shakespeare
New translation by Miroslava Svolikova
Theatre version by Koen Tachelet and Angela Obst (co-editor)
Directed by Johan Simons
Schauspielhaus Bochum
Premiere 10 September 2020


1934 – STIMMEN
Oder: Als mein Mann das große Glück hatte, dem Führer im Tempelhofener Flughafenrestaurant eine Erfrischung reichen zu dürfen.
Directed by André Erlen
A production by Futur3 – freies Theaterkollektiv Köln in cooperation with Freihandelszone – ensemblenetzwerk köln. With the friendly support of the North Rhine-Westphalian Ministry for Culture and Science, the Cultural Department of the City of Cologne and Kunststiftung NRW
World Premiere 4 September 2020 (NS-Dokumentationszentrum, Cologne)

Die Hermannsschlacht
By Heinrich von Kleist
Directed by Oliver Frljic
Schauspiel Köln
Premiere 5 September 2020


A Theatre Installation by Jo Fabian
Text, direction, set and video by Jo Fabian
Staatstheater Cottbus (artistic directorship René Serge Mund)
World Premiere 29 February 2020


Lolita (R)evolution (Rufschädigendst) – Ihr Alle seid die Lolita Eurer Selbst!
By Jonathan Meese
Direction, set and costumes by Jonathan Meese
Schauspiel Dortmund (artistic directorship Kay Voges)
World Premiere 15 February 2020


Deutsches Museum für Schwarze Unterhaltung und Black Music (DMSUBM)
Concept and realisation Joana Tischkau, Anta Helena Recke, Elisabeth Hampe, Frieder Blume
A production by Tischkau & Hampe, creative collaboration Blume and Recke. Co-produced with Künstlerhaus Mousonturm (Frankfurt/Main) and HAU Hebbel am Ufer (Berlin). In Frankfurt/Main in cooperation with Museum Angewandte Kunst. With the friendly support of the Each One Teach One (EOTO) archive. Funded by the Cultural Department of the City of Frankfurt/Main, Fonds Darstellende Künste e.V. and the Berlin Senate for Culture and Europe
World Premiere 25 August 2020 (Künstlerhaus Mousonturm / Museum Angewandte Kunst, Frankfurt/Main) | |

Freiburg / Digital Theatre
Based on Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Scripted and directed by Cosmea Spelleken
Funded by the Departments of Culture of the Cities of Freiburg and Karlsruhe
Live Stream World Premiere 5 November 2020 (


Geschichten aus dem Wiener Wald (Tales from the Vienna Woods)
By Ödön von Horváth
Direction, set and costumes Heike M. Goetze
Deutsches SchauSpielHaus Hamburg
Live Stream Premiere 7 November 2020

Reich des Todes [selected]
By Rainald Goetz
Directed by Karin Beier
Deutsches SchauSpielHaus Hamburg
World Premiere 11 September 2020


antigone. ein requiem
By Thomas Köck
Directed by Simone Thoma
Theater an der Ruhr
Premiere 3 September 2020


Dantons Tod (Danton’s Death)
By Georg Büchner
Directed by Sebastian Baumgarten
Bayerisches Staatsschauspiel/Residenztheater
Premiere 30 October 2020

A project by and with Lucy Wilke and Paweł Duduś with music by Kim Twiddle
Idea and concept by Lucy Wilke and Paweł Duduś
Funded by the Cultural Department of State Capital of Munich, Bayerischer Landesverband für zeitgenössischen Tanz (BLZT) with funds from the Bavarian State Ministry for Science and the Arts, the district of Upper Bavaria and the Cultural Foundation of Stadtsparkasse München. This production is supported by Tanztendenz München e.V.
World Premiere 13 February 2020 (schwere reiter, Munich)


Black Box. Phantomtheater für 1 Person (Phantom Theatre for 1 Person)
By Stefan Kaegi / Rimini Protokoll
Concept, script and direction by Stefan Kaegi / Rimini Protokoll
Schauspiel Stuttgart
World Premiere 14 July 2020 |


Automatenbüfett [selected]
By Anna Gmeyner
Directed by Barbara Frey
Premiere 30 October 2020


Revue 2020 – Zurück ist die Zukunft
A Film Essay in Seven Chapters
By Antje Schupp and Gregor Brändli
Concept, text and direction Antje Schupp
A co-production by Festspiele Zürich, Opernhaus Zürich und Schauspielhaus Zürich
Premiere 22 June 2020 (Festspiele Zürich)

A Theatre Production for Digital Space by Christopher Rüping and Ensemble based on Krzysztof Kieślowski
Directed by Christopher Rüping
Schauspielhaus Zürich
Premiere 17 April 2020

Einfach das Ende der Welt [selected]
Based on Jean-Luc Lagarce
Directed by Christopher Rüping
Schauspielhaus Zürich
Premiere 3 December 2020

Medea* [selected]
By Leonie Böhm
Directed by Leonie Böhm
Schauspielhaus Zürich
Premiere 19 September 2020

The Köln Concert
By Trajal Harrell
To the music of Keith Jarrett and Joni Mitchell
Used by arrangement with ECM Records
Direction, choreography, set and costumes by Trajal Harrell
Schauspielhaus Zürich
Premiere 12 September 2020

Concept and authors Yan Duyvendak in collaboration with Kaedama and Dr. Philippe Cano
A co-production of Comédie de Genève, Arsenic – Centre d’art scénique contemporain (Lausanne), Les SUBS, lieu vivant d’expériences artistiques (Lyon), HELLERAU – Europäisches Zentrum der Künste (Dresden), Internationales Sommerfestival Kampnagel (Hamburg), Carré-Colonnes (Saint-Médard Blanquefort), Le phénix scène nationale Valenciennes, Grand Theatre / Noorderzon Performing Arts Festival Groningen, Zürcher Theater Spektakel, Centre d’Art Contemporain Genève. Supported by Ville de Genève, République et Canton de Genève, Pro Helvetia – Swiss Arts Council, Pour-cent culturel Migros
Premiere 14 August 2020 (Zürcher Theater Spektakel / Rote Fabrik) | | | | | | | | |