TT Context 2022

The discursive event format TT Context focuses and concentrates issues that emerge within the framework of the programme categories of the 10 Selected Productions, Stückemarkt, International Forum and Theatertreffen-Blog.

Practice What You Preach

Theme day

New incidents of abuse of power make it clear: as long as theatres are characterised by asymmetries of power, it is important to stand up to them. For the third time the Theatertreffen is therefore making gender justice a thematic focus. Is there a new awareness of inequalities and, if so, how does this manifest itself concretely in the theatres? Has the pandemic increased imbalances? How can power be completely rethought?

What Are We Waiting for?

A series of talks on the situation of the performing arts within the framework of Theatertreffen and Performing Arts Festival Berlin 2021

This is the first time for Theatertreffen and Performing Arts Festival Berlin to initiate a joint series of events: four talks about the current situation of the performing arts in times of the pandemic. The realities of both freelance and employed theatre professionals will be investigated in order to draw attention to the urgencies of their requirements, issues and emergencies. Who is visible in this crisis, who has a voice, who is considered – and who has been neglected by the interim aids and funding programmes? What lies ahead for the cultural sector, what will be the future of art and culture and what might be constructive demands to be made of decision makers in cultural politics?