Production | The 10 Selected Productions

Die Ruhe

A performance installation by SIGNA

Deutsches SchauSpielHaus Hamburg

World premiere 19 November 2021 (Paketpostamt Altona)

A woman kneels on the floor in a grey evening gown.

Die Ruhe. Elise de Leede © Erich Goldmann

An evening, a maelstrom, an experience: Performance collective SIGNA have created a kind of sanatorium inside a former post office. It is intended for people who are trying to become one with the forest. For five-and-a-half hours, the audience are guests at this mysterious institution.

Theatertreffen in Hamburg: After careful consideration of all resources of time, staff and finances as well as the requirements of an adequate artistic realisation of the piece, Theatertreffen’s director, the production’s artistic team and Deutsches SchauSpielHaus Hamburg came to the joint decision not to transfer the production to Berlin. Instead, it will be presented at the original venue in Hamburg.

Honouring the artists and public discussion as a live stream in the media library
Saturday, 21 May, 15:00 as a livestream in the media library

Are you looking for a way to recover from trauma, exhaustion and confusion? Follow us to the Regeneration Centre in Hamburg-Altona, where you will be prepared for your final relocation to a dense forest. There, you can practise your newly-learned behavioural patterns and ways of life.
If you follow SIGNA’s invitation, you can expect an immersive theatre experience of more than five hours which will confront you with yourself and others in a seductive and intimate parallel world of powerful imagery.

Statement of the jury

SIGNA’s response to the post-humanist theories and ideas that haunt many current debates is a concrete concept of how humanity might disappear, one human being at a time. Groups of 35 visitors each are invited to free themselves of the bustle of urban life at the “Erholungsheim Hamburg (Recreational Facility Hamburg)”. “Leitwander*innen (Guide Wanderers)”, who have enrolled in the institute’s programme and are already on the way to becoming one with the forest, guide the audience through bizarre rooms in small groups, trying to seduce them at the same time. And so, the five and a half hours-long performance feels like an invitation to get comfortable within this sect-like community. If you accept this invitation, you will climb deep down into a rabbit hole of manipulation and abuse, death wishes and desperation. In this highly immersive setting, the audience has an opportunity to experience at firsthand how easy it is to lose yourself in a (conspiracy-)cult.

Tojuror Georg Kasch’s video statement in the Berliner Festspiele Media Library (in German)

Artistic Team

Signa KöstlerConcept, direction, stage and costume design
Arthur KöstlerTechnical design, sound and media, head of production
Lorenz VetterStage design, sound and media, assistant technical design / production
Sybille MeierDramaturgy
Tristan KoldAssistant costume design
Erik EbertAssistant technical design, sound and media
Jaavar Sidi AlyAdministration
Simon UrbschatHead of technical production

Amanda Babaei Vieira, Franz-Josef Becker, Dominik Bliefert, Robin Bode, Sara Conijn, Erik Ebert, Erich Goldmann, Annabel Grosse, Tilman Gunz, Martin Heise, Thor Albin Kjær, Arthur Köstler, Signa Köstler, Tristan Kold, Tom Korn, Elise de Leede, Katharina Mairinger, Benita Martins, Agnieszka Salamon, Sonja Salkowitsch, Markus Schmon, Andreas Schneiders, Anton Cornelius Thorsø Schulze, Karoline Amalie Severinsen, Jaavar Sidi Aly, Simon Steinhorst, Omid Tabari, Luisa Taraz, Larysa Venediktova, Lorenz Vetter, Mareike Wenzel, Luna Worthmann

Supported by the Danish Arts Foundation and the Hamburg Ministry of Culture and Media.

The bus transfer on 12 and 19 May is funded by