Burning Issues x Theatertreffen 2022


Burning Issues was held for the second time in co-operation with the Theatertreffen. The conference has advocated greater (gender) equity in the performing arts for many years now. In 2022, we were broadening our thematic focus to cover equity in more global terms. All of this is dependent on the issue of transforming the theatre: In lectures, discussions, workshops and examples of good practice we studied hierarchies, scrutinising them for patriarchal, racist and colonial influences, and provided space for empowerment and networking.

Burning Issues is a SAVE THE WORLD project in co-operation with the Theatertreffen and in collaboration with the Akademie der Künste and the International Theatre Institute (ITI Center Germany). Funded by the Fonds Darstellende Künste, GVL and the Rudolf Augstein Foundation.

Curatorial Team

Nora Amin, Nicola Bramkamp, Yvonne Büdenhölzer, Lisan Lantin, Anna-Katharina Müller, Luca Sonnen, Lucien Strauch