Talk / Live stream

Final Jury Discussion

Talk with the Theatertreffen-jury

The seven Theatertreffen jury members are in a video conference and look into the camera.

The jury ot the 2022 Theatertreffen © Berliner Festspiele

At the conclusion of the Theatertreffen, the jury will get together once more to look back at the festival and answer questions about their work.

Available as Videoon Demand in the Media Library

What are the defining trends in the theatre and which of them were present at the Theatertreffen? Did any questions arise during the festival without being answered?


Mathias Balzer, Georg Kasch, Sabine Leucht, Petra Paterno, Katrin Ullmann, Sascha Westphal, Franz Wille

Moderation Shirin Sojitrawalla and Christine Wahl