Presentation | 10 Treffen: Responsibility Treffen

Linie 8 und Pudding für alle! Лінія 8 і пудинг для кожного!

A theatre project by young Berliners and Ukrainians of Junges DT

Presentation 28 November 2022

Two young women sit in a row of chairs and raise their hands to high five. Between them sit two smiling young men, behind them are two young women.

Linie 8 und Pudding für alle! © Anna Petrenko

During the weeks in October and November 2022, 16 playwrights got to know each other, exchanged ideas, went on excursions together, and a bilingual play was developed from what they have experienced and imagined.

This event is part of the Responsibility Treffen.

Some of us have been living in exile here in Berlin for a few months and will stay until the war in Ukraine is over. Others were born here. But now, at this moment, in these weeks, we all live here in this city. In this project we want to get to know each other, show each other special corners of Berlin, make up stories in the subway, look down together from the TV tower and exchange ideas about “home and me”. What became clear to all of us on the third day of the project: Our ideas of home change as soon as we are forced to leave it. What is it about the pudding? That’s what those who come to our presentations on the rehearsal stage will find out.

Artistic Team

Sofie HüslerDirector
Katya HanochkinaVideo
Olena PolianskaDance
Nadiia DmytrukTranslation

Anastasia Voevoda, Ferad Niazi, Jenia Khariuk, Karina Cherkasova, Kateryna Dranchuk, Liza Antoniuk, Lilli Dezius, Mavi Yagmur Atilgan, Marlene Engberding, Meret Grimm, Miroslava Temyrova, Nisa Rabia Atmaca, Sofia Malikova, Valeria Shardakova, Valleria Tarasova

The project is supported by the programme “Zur Bühne” of the German Stage Association within the framework of “Kultur macht stark. Alliances for Education” of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research.