
In our multimedia stories, we highlight selected topics of the festival, explore background information and start conversations.


A Theatertreffen banner is amidst trees and buildings.

Opening Theatertreffen 2023

© Berliner Festspiele, photo: Fabian Schellhorn

Who Has the Privilege to Not Know?

The question of “Who has the privilege to not know?” was of special significance during the concept phase of the 2023 festival edition. With no claims of being complete, this story provides room for answers, viewpoints and considerations of young culture makers who attended the 2023 Theatertreffen in the context of the formats International Forum and Theatertreffen-Blog.


Two people stand on a staircase and clasp their hands over their heads.

Burning Issues

© Rebecca Rütten

Providing a Platform: Burning Issues

The story “Providing a Platform: Burning Issues” serves to extend and consolidate the topics addressed at the conference at the 2022 Theatertreffen. We are living in times of change. This conference and this guide were an attempt to capture some “BURNING ISSUES” and to make a variety of voices heard.

A single tree with green leaves in a field, behind it is a white canvas. It therefore looks like a large picture of a tree standing in the landscape.

Tree #14, 2007

© Myoung Ho Lee, Courtesy Yossi Milo Gallery, New York

Steps Towards Greater Sustainability

The story “Steps towards more sustainability” provides an insight into the Theatertreffen's carbon footprint and the recycling-based Festival centre 2022.