Forum 2023

Empowering Perspectives

23 to 27 September 2023
Haus der Berliner Festspiele and other workshop spaces

Concept and direction – Gabriele Reuter

Dance with and for young people often takes place under challenging production and rehearsal conditions. Conductors, teachers and choreographers show an impressive interdisciplinary flexibility between artistic, pedagogical and psychological work. Their specialisation lies in combining these fields of work again and again, depending on the context they find themselves in. This is often not so easy, takes courage and creativity and it is easy to lose sight of the detail.

This year’s Forum programme aims to sharpen precisely this eye for detail. We look at what is already there: what do we have, what can we do and what already works? What gives us strength, what gives us ease?


Two levels structure the forum:

Firstly, an inward look. What does each individual need in order to be able to contribute? How do we take care of our bodies and create healthy conditions? 

On the other hand, the resource-oriented view outwards: What tools, styles and methods are available to work with what we find? How do we use the power of participatory processes and heterogeneous groups for solution-oriented artistic work with complex social and ecological issues of the future? And how can new media tools, urban dance styles or the urban environment inspire our work with young people?

The artists and teachers who design the Forum programme come from a wide range of performing arts backgrounds. They all share a practice in which artistic and pedagogical work are interwoven. Open to all levels of experience, the workshops are above all an invitation to try out something new, perhaps still unknown, in a safe collegial environment or to reassess existing knowledge for oneself.

Following a joint kick-off event on 23 September, there will be workshops with the artist duo Deuffert and Plischke on choreographic participatory work with groups; with Joy Alpuerto Ritter on the topic of storytelling with the body; Jan Burkhardt will deal with the resonance space of body and environment in his workshop; Catharina Gadelha gives an introduction to playfully finding choreographies; Carolin Schmidt and Thorsten Bihegue from the Pandora Box collective use imagination and improvisation exercises to search for new ways of moving and innovating the body; Sophie Lindner teaches how to check physical prerequisites for dance with the help of dance-specific tests and how to transform weaknesses into strengths; Angela Alves deals with barrier-free work in young dance and Katalin Pöge gives insights into artistic work with digital media.

Gabriele Reuter is a freelance artist and urbanist at the intersection of choreography, dance mediation and urban research. Her artistic works and audio tours have been shown at international festivals. She teaches movement, improvisation and spatial theory in a wide range of disciplines. For more than ten years she directed the workshop programme of Tanzfabrik Berlin together with Christa Flaig-Isaacs, and since the beginning of 2022 she has been part of the Tanzfabrik board. Training in “New Work” and “Systemic Coaching” accompany her work and her view of what dance can do.


The Workshops are held in German. Please find the detailed description of the workshops on the German version of this website.




The Workshop is held in German. Please find the detailed description of the workshop on the German version of this website.


To participate in the workshops, a mandatory registration via our registrationform (only in German) is required.
Deadline for registration is 10 September 2023.

Participation fee
The costs for the forum are calculated as a daily fee:
A full-day workshop (9:30–16:30) costs € 60 / reduced for students € 40.
A half-day workshop (e.g. 9:30–12:00 or 14:00–16:30) costs € 30 / reduced for students € 20.
If you book the entire Forum workshop programme (à 5 days), the costs are € 250 / reduced for students € 170.

Participation in the follow-up discussions is free of charge. The price for catering is included in the participation fee. Participation in the Forum is recognised as continuing education.