Campus 2024

The Campus programme is aimed at the participants of the Tanztreffen der Jugend and is not open to the public. It is divided into the areas of practice with various intensive and impulse workshops and dialogue with daily follow-up discussions. The workshop programme extends over several days.

Praxis Intensiv

Two-day intensive workshops

Sunday, 22 September + Monday 23 September 2024, 10:00–12:30 and 14:00–16:30

Dancing in the eternal now

This research workshop is for dancing souls and curious creatives. Participants will explore the deeper reasons for their movement, both physically and mentally, in dance improvisation sessions.
We begin with a warm-up using somatic exercises to release physical tension and open up to spontaneous inspiration to create dance compositions and expand our awareness of space and time. Once our bodies are comfortable and ready to exchange information, we will delve into our senses and feelings to develop our unique choreographic material.

In the workshop we will draw inspiration from a variety of sources including images, books, writings, music, visual art and props, combined with the natural flow of our movement knowledge. We will reflect on the idea that it is always about the eternal now - the present moment is all that really matters. Yet we are shaped by our past and need to consider how we want to shape our future. Art serves as a channel to make magic out of life, and dance helps us to feel truly alive.


Giada Grieco

Praxis Impuls

One-day intensive workshops

The Praxis Impuls workshops are held in German only.


The Dialog programme is hold in German only.

Campus x Forum

The Campus x Forum programme is hold in German only.