Anne Lepper

Anne Lepper © schaefersphilippen

Anne Lepper

Anne Lepper was born in Essen in 1978 and studied philosophy, history and literature at the universities of Wuppertal, Cologne and Bonn before going on to study literary writing at the Bern University of the Arts. Her debut play “Sonst alles ist drinnen” won the Munich Advancement Award for German-language Drama. Her play “Käthe Hermann” was premiered at Theater Bielefeld in 2012 and invited to both the Mülheimer Theatertage and the Autorentheatertage at Deutsches Theater Berlin in the same year. “Hund wohin gehen wir” was invited to the 2011 Stückemarkt of the Berlin Theatertreffen, where Anne Lepper won a commission of work. This resulted in her fourth theatre text, “Seymour”, which was first directed by Claudia Bauer at Staatstheater Hannover. It was followed by further plays, which premiered at Theater Dortmund and Düsseldorfer Schauspielhaus, among others. The annual critic’s survey conducted by the expert magazine Theater heute chose Anne Lepper as emerging playwright of the year 2012. For Nationaltheater Mannheim, she wrote “Mädchen in Not”, which was premiered there in 2016 and invited to the 2017 Mülheimer Theatertage, where it was awarded the Mülheim Dramatists’ Award.

As of May 2018.

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